Design of an E-R Database Schema
Design of an E-R Database Schema The E-R data model gives us much flexibility in designing a database schema to model a given enterprise. In this section, we consider how a database designer may select from the wide range of alternatives. Among the designer’s decisions are: • Whether to use an attribute or an entity set to represent an object (discussed earlier in Section 2.2.1) • Whether a real-world concept is expressed more accurately by an entity set or by a relationship set (Section 2.2.2) • Whether to use a ternary relationship or a pair of binary relationships (Section 2.2.3) • Whether to use a strong or a weak entity set (Section 2.6); a strong entity set and its dependent weak entity sets may be regarded as a single “object” in the database, since weak entities are existence dependent on a strong entity • Whether using generalization (Section 2.7.2) is appropriate; generalization, or a hierarchy of ISA relationships, contributes to modularity by allowing c...