Advanced Transaction Processing:Transaction Management in Multidatabases

Transaction Management in Multidatabases

Recall from Section 19.8 that a multidatabase system creates the illusion of logical database integration, in a heterogeneous database system where the local database systems may employ different logical data models and data-definition and data- manipulation languages, and may differ in their concurrency-control and transaction-management mechanisms.

A multidatabase system supports two types of transactions:

1. Local transactions. These transactions are executed by each local database system outside of the multidatabase system’s control.

2. Global transactions. These transactions are executed under the multidatabase system’s control.

The multidatabase system is aware of the fact that local transactions may run at the local sites, but it is not aware of what specific transactions are being executed, or of what data they may access.

Ensuring the local autonomy of each database system requires that no changes be made to its software. A database system at one site thus is not able to communicate directly with a one at any other site to synchronize the execution of a global transaction active at several sites.

Since the multidatabase system has no control over the execution of local transactions, each local system must use a concurrency-control scheme (for example, two phase locking or timestamping) to ensure that its schedule is serializable. In addition, in case of locking, the local system must be able to guard against the possibility of local deadlocks.

The guarantee of local serializability is not sufficient to ensure global serializability. As an illustration, consider two global transactions T1 and T2, each of which accesses and updates two data items, A and B, located at sites S1 and S2, respectively.

Suppose that the local schedules are serializable. It is still possible to have a situation where, at site S1, T2 follows T1, whereas, at S2, T1 follows T2, resulting in a nonserializable global schedule. Indeed, even if there is no concurrency among global transactions (that is, a global transaction is submitted only after the previous one commits or aborts), local serializability is not sufficient to ensure global serializability (see Exercise 24.14).

Depending on the implementation of the local database systems, a global transaction may not be able to control the precise locking behavior of its local substransactions. Thus, even if all local database systems follow two-phase locking, it may be possible only to ensure that each local transaction follows the rules of the protocol. For example, one local database system may commit its subtransaction and release locks, while the subtransaction at another local system is still executing. If the local systems permit control of locking behavior and all systems follow two-phase locking, then the multidatabase system can ensure that global transactions lock in a two-phase manner and the lock points of conflicting transactions would then define their global serialization order. If different local systems follow different concurrency control mechanisms, however, this straightforward sort of global control does not work.

There are many protocols for ensuring consistency despite concurrent execution of global and local transactions in multidatabase systems. Some are based on imposing sufficient conditions to ensure global serializability. Others ensure only a form of consistency weaker than serializability, but achieve this consistency by less restrictive means. We consider one of the latter schemes: two-level serializability. Section 24.5 describes further approaches to consistency without serializability; other approaches are cited in the bibliographical notes.

A related problem in multidatabase systems is that of global atomic commit. If all local systems follow the two-phase commit protocol, that protocol can be used to achieve global atomicity. However, local systems not designed to be part of a distributed system may not be able to participate in such a protocol. Even if a local system is capable of supporting two-phase commit, the organization owning the system may be unwilling to permit waiting in cases where blocking occurs. In such cases, compromises may be made that allow for lack of atomicity in certain failure modes. Further discussion of these matters appears in the literature (see the bibliographical notes).

Two-Level Serializability

Two-level serializability (2LSR) ensures serializability at two levels of the system:

• Each local database system ensures local serializability among its local trans- actions, including those that are part of a global transaction.

• The multidatabase system ensures serializability among the global transactions alone—ignoring the orderings induced by local transactions.

Each of these serializability levels is simple to enforce. Local systems already offer guarantees of serializability; thus, the first requirement is easy to achieve. The second requirement applies to only a projection of the global schedule in which local trans- actions do not appear. Thus, the multidatabase system can ensure the second requirement using standard concurrency-control techniques (the precise choice of technique does not matter).

The two requirements of 2LSR are not sufficient to ensure global serializability.

However, under the 2LSR-based approach, we adopt a requirement weaker than serializability, called strong correctness:

1. Preservation of consistency as specified by a set of consistency constraints

2. Guarantee that the set of data items read by each transaction is consistent

It can be shown that certain restrictions on transaction behavior, combined with 2LSR, are sufficient to ensure strong correctness (although not necessarily to ensure serial- izability). We list several of these restrictions.

In each of the protocols, we distinguish between local data and global data. Local data items belong to a particular site and are under the sole control of that site. Note that there cannot be any consistency constraints between local data items at distinct sites. Global data items belong to the multidatabase system, and, though they may be stored at a local site, are under the control of the multidatabase system.

The global-read protocol allows global transactions to read, but not to update, local data items, while disallowing all access to global data by local transactions. The global-read protocol ensures strong correctness if all these conditions hold:

1. Local transactions access only local data items.

2. Global transactions may access global data items, and may read local data items (although they must not write local data items).

3. There are no consistency constraints between local and global data items.

The local-read protocol grants local transactions read access to global data, but disallows all access to local data by global transactions. In this protocol, we need to introduce the notion of a value dependency. A transaction has a value dependency if the value that it writes to a data item at one site depends on a value that it read for a data item on another site.

The local-read protocol ensures strong correctness if all these conditions hold:

1. Local transactions may access local data items, and may read global data items stored at the site (although they must not write global data items).

2. Global transactions access only global data items.

3. No transaction may have a value dependency.

The global-read–write/local-read protocol is the most generous in terms of data access of the protocols that we have considered. It allows global transactions to read and write local data, and allows local transactions to read global data. However, it imposes both the value-dependency condition of the local-read protocol and the condition from the global-read protocol that there be no consistency constraints between local and global data.

The global-read–write/local-read protocol ensures strong correctness if all these conditions hold:

1. Local transactions may access local data items, and may read global data items stored at the site (although they must not write global data items).

2. Global transactions may access global data items as well as local data items (that is, they may read and write all data).

3. There are no consistency constraints between local and global data items.

4. No transaction may have a value dependency.

Ensuring Global Serializability

Early multi data base systems restricted global transactions to be read only. They thus avoided the possibility of global transactions introducing inconsistency to the data, but were not sufficiently restrictive to ensure global serializability. It is indeed possible to get such global schedules and to develop a scheme to ensure global serializ- ability, and we ask you to do both in Exercise 24.15.

There are a number of general schemes to ensure global serializability in an environment where update as well read-only transactions can execute. Several of these schemes are based on the idea of a ticket. A special data item called a ticket is created in each local database system. Every global transaction that accesses data at a site must write the ticket at that site. This requirement ensures that global transactions conflict directly at every site they visit. Furthermore, the global transaction manager can control the order in which global transactions are serialized, by controlling the order in which the tickets are accessed. References to such schemes appear in the bibliographical notes.

If we want to ensure global serializability in an environment where no direct local conflicts are generated in each site, some assumptions must be made about the schedules allowed by the local database system. For example, if the local schedules are such that the commit order and serialization order are always identical, we can ensure serializability by controlling only the order in which transactions commit.

The problem with schemes that ensure global serializability is that they may re- strict concurrency unduly. They are particularly likely to do so because most trans- actions submit SQL statements to the underlying database system, instead of submitting individual read, write, commit, and abort steps. Although it is still possible to ensure global serializability under this assumption, the level of concurrency may be such that other schemes, such as the two-level serializability technique discussed in Section 24.6.1, are attractive alternatives.


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