Concurrency Control:Recovery with Concurrent Transactions

Recovery with Concurrent Transactions

Until now, we considered recovery in an environment where only a single trans- action at a time is executing. We now discuss how we can modify and extend the log-based recovery scheme to deal with multiple concurrent transactions. Regardless of the number of concurrent transactions, the system has a single disk buffer and a single log. All transactions share the buffer blocks. We allow immediate modification, and permit a buffer block to have data items updated by one or more transactions.

Interaction with Concurrency Control

The recovery scheme depends greatly on the concurrency-control scheme that is used. To roll back a failed transaction, we must undo the updates performed by the transaction. Suppose that a transaction T0 has to be rolled back, and a data item Q that was updated by T0 has to be restored to its old value. Using the log-based schemes for recovery, we restore the value by using the undo information in a log record. Sup- pose now that a second transaction T1 has performed yet another update on Q before T0 is rolled back. Then, the update performed by T1 will be lost if T0 is rolled back.

Therefore, we require that, if a transaction T has updated a data item Q, no other transaction may update the same data item until T has committed or been rolled back. We can ensure this requirement easily by using strict two-phase locking—that is, two-phase locking with exclusive locks held until the end of the transaction.

Transaction Rollback

We roll back a failed transaction, Ti, by using the log. The system scans the log back- ward; for every log record of the form <Ti, Xj , V1, V2> found in the log, the system restores the data item Xj to its old value V1. Scanning of the log terminates when the log record <Ti, start> is found.

Scanning the log backward is important, since a transaction may have updated a data item more than once. As an illustration, consider the pair of log records

<Ti, A, 10, 20>

<Ti, A, 20, 30>

The log records represent a modification of data item A by Ti, followed by another modification of A by Ti. Scanning the log backward sets A correctly to 10. If the log were scanned in the forward direction, A would be set to 20, which is incorrect.

If strict two-phase locking is used for concurrency control, locks held by a transaction T may be released only after the transaction has been rolled back as described. Once transaction T (that is being rolled back) has updated a data item, no other trans- action could have updated the same data item, because of the concurrency-control requirements mentioned in Section 17.6.1. Therefore, restoring the old value of the data item will not erase the effects of any other transaction.


In Section 17.4.3, we used checkpoints to reduce the number of log records that the system must scan when it recovers from a crash. Since we assumed no concurrency, it was necessary to consider only the following transactions during recovery:

• Those transactions that started after the most recent checkpoint

• The one transaction, if any, that was active at the time of the most recent check- point

The situation is more complex when transactions can execute concurrently, since several transactions may have been active at the time of the most recent checkpoint.

In a concurrent transaction-processing system, we require that the checkpoint log record be of the form <checkpoint L>, where L is a list of transactions active at the time of the checkpoint. Again, we assume that transactions do not perform updates either on the buffer blocks or on the log while the checkpoint is in progress.

The requirement that transactions must not perform any updates to buffer blocks or to the log during checkpointing can be bothersome, since transaction processing will have to halt while a checkpoint is in progress. A fuzzy checkpoint is a check- point where transactions are allowed to perform updates even while buffer blocks are being written out. Section 17.9.5 describes fuzzy checkpointing schemes.

Restart Recovery

When the system recovers from a crash, it constructs two lists: The undo-list consists of transactions to be undone, and the redo-list consists of transactions to be redone.

The system constructs the two lists as follows: Initially, they are both empty. The system scans the log backward, examining each record, until it finds the first

<checkpoint> record:

• For each record found of the form <Ti commit>, it adds Ti to redo-list.

• For each record found of the form <Ti start>, if Ti is not in redo-list, then it adds Ti to undo-list.

When the system has examined all the appropriate log records, it checks the list L in the checkpoint record. For each transaction Ti in L, if Ti is not in redo-list then it adds Ti to the undo-list.

Once the redo-list and undo-list have have been constructed, the recovery proceeds as follows:

1. The system rescans the log from the most recent record backward, and per- forms an undo for each log record that belongs transaction Ti on the undo-list. Log records of transactions on the redo-list are ignored in this phase. The scan stops when the <Ti start> records have been found for every transaction Ti in the undo-list.

2. The system locates the most recent <checkpoint L> record on the log. Notice that this step may involve scanning the log forward, if the checkpoint record was passed in step 1.

3. The system scans the log forward from the most recent <checkpoint L> record, and performs redo for each log record that belongs to a transaction Ti that is on the redo-list. It ignores log records of transactions on the undo-list in this phase.

It is important in step 1 to process the log backward, to ensure that the resulting state of the database is correct.

After the system has undone all transactions on the undo-list, it redoes those trans- actions on the redo-list. It is important, in this case, to process the log forward. When the recovery process has completed, transaction processing resumes.

It is important to undo the transaction in the undo-list before redoing transactions in the redo-list, using the algorithm in steps 1 to 3; otherwise, a problem may occur. Suppose that data item A initially has the value 10. Suppose that a transaction Ti updated data item A to 20 and aborted; transaction rollback would restore A to the value 10. Suppose that another transaction Tj then updated data item A to 30 and committed, following which the system crashed. The state of the log at the time of the crash is

<Ti, A, 10, 20>

<Tj , A, 10, 30>

<Tj commit>

If the redo pass is performed first, A will be set to 30; then, in the undo pass, A will be set to 10, which is wrong. The final value of Q should be 30, which we can ensure by performing undo before performing redo.


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