Query Optimization

Query Optimization

Query optimization is the process of selecting the most efficient query-evaluation plan from among the many strategies usually possible for processing a given query, especially if the query is complex. We do not expect users to write their queries so that they can be processed efficiently. Rather, we expect the system to construct a query-evaluation plan that minimizes the cost of query evaluation. This is where query optimization comes into play.

One aspect of optimization occurs at the relational-algebra level, where the system attempts to find an expression that is equivalent to the given expression, but more efficient to execute. Another aspect is selecting a detailed strategy for processing the query, such as choosing the algorithm to use for executing an operation, choosing the specific indices to use, and so on.

The difference in cost (in terms of evaluation time) between a good strategy and a bad strategy is often substantial, and may be several orders of magnitude. Hence, it is worthwhile for the system to spend a substantial amount of time on the selection of a good strategy for processing a query, even if the query is executed only once.


Consider the relational-algebra expression for the query “Find the names of all customers who have an account at any branch located in Brooklyn.”


This expression constructs a large intermediate relation, branch account depositor.

However, we are interested in only a few tuples of this relation (those pertaining to branches located in Brooklyn), and in only one of the six attributes of this relation.

Since we are concerned with only those tuples in the branch relation that pertain to branches located in Brooklyn, we do not need to consider those tuples that do not


have branch-city = “Brooklyn”. By reducing the number of tuples of the branch relation that we need to access, we reduce the size of the intermediate result. Our query is now represented by the relational-algebra expression


which is equivalent to our original algebra expression, but which generates smaller intermediate relations. Figure 14.1 depicts the initial and transformed expressions.

Given a relational-algebra expression, it is the job of the query optimizer to come up with a query-evaluation plan that computes the same result as the given expression, and is the least costly way of generating the result (or, at least, is not much costlier than the least costly way).

To choose among different query-evaluation plans, the optimizer has to estimate the cost of each evaluation plan. Computing the precise cost of evaluation of a plan is usually not possible without actually evaluating the plan. Instead, optimizers make use of statistical information about the relations, such as relation sizes and index depths, to make a good estimate of the cost of a plan. Disk access, which is slow compared to memory access, usually dominates the cost of processing a query.

In Section 14.2 we describe how to estimate statistics of the results of each operation in a query plan. Using these statistics with the cost formulae in Chapter 13 allows us to estimate the costs of individual operation. The individual costs are combined to determine the estimated cost of evaluating a given relational-algebra expression, as outlined earlier in Section 13.7.

To find the least-costly query-evaluation plan, the optimizer needs to generate alternative plans that produce the same result as the given expression, and to choose the least costly one. Generation of query-evaluation plans involves two steps: (1) generating expressions that are logically equivalent to the given expression and (2) annotating the resultant expressions in alternative ways to generate alternative query evaluation plans. The two steps are interleaved in the query optimizer — some expressions are generated and annotated, then further expressions are generated and annotated, and so on.

To implement the first step, the query optimizer must generate expressions equivalent to a given expression. It does so by means of equivalence rules that specify how to transform an expression into a logically equivalent one. We describe these rules in Section 14.3.1. In Section 14.4, we describe how to choose a query-evaluation plan. We can choose one based on the estimated cost of the plans. Since the cost is an estimate, the selected plan is not necessarily the least costly plan; however, as long as the estimates are good, the plan is likely to be the least costly one, or not much more costly than it. Such optimization, called cost-based optimization, is described in Section 14.4.2.

Materialized views help to speed up processing of certain queries. In Section 14.5, we study how to “maintain” materialized views — that is, to keep them up-to-date —and how to perform query optimization with materialized views.


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