Concurrency Control:Advanced Recovery Techniques

Advanced Recovery Techniques∗∗

The recovery techniques described in Section 17.6 require that, once a transaction up- dates a data item, no other transaction may update the same data item until the first commits or is rolled back. We ensure the condition by using strict two-phase locking. Although strict two-phase locking is acceptable for records in relations, as discussed in Section 16.9, it causes a significant decrease in concurrency when applied to certain specialized structures, such as B+-tree index pages.

To increase concurrency, we can use the B+-tree concurrency-control algorithm described in Section 16.9 to allow locks to be released early, in a non-two-phase manner.

As a result, however, the recovery techniques from Section 17.6 will become inapplicable. Several alternative recovery techniques, applicable even with early lock release, have been proposed. These schemes can be used in a variety of applications, not just for recovery of B+-trees. We first describe an advanced recovery scheme supporting early lock release. We then outline the ARIES recovery scheme, which is widely used in the industry. ARIES is more complex than our advanced recovery scheme, but incorporates a number of optimizations to minimize recovery time, and provides a number of other useful features.

Logical Undo Logging

For operations where locks are released early, we cannot perform the undo actions by simply writing back the old value of the data items. Consider a transaction T that inserts an entry into a B+-tree, and, following the B+-tree concurrency-control protocol, releases some locks after the insertion operation completes, but before the transaction commits. After the locks are released, other transactions may perform further insertions or deletions, thereby causing further changes to the B+-tree nodes.

Even though the operation releases some locks early, it must retain enough locks to ensure that no other transaction is allowed to execute any conflicting operation (such as reading the inserted value or deleting the inserted value). For this reason, the B+-tree concurrency-control protocol in Section 16.9 holds locks on the leaf level of the B+-tree until the end of the transaction.

Now let us consider how to perform transaction rollback. If physical undo is used, that is, the old values of the internal B+-tree nodes (before the insertion operation was executed) are written back during transaction rollback, some of the updates performed by later insertion or deletion operations executed by other transactions could be lost. Instead, the insertion operation has to be undone by a logical undo—that is, in this case, by the execution of a delete operation.

Therefore, when the insertion operation completes, before it releases any locks, it writes a log record <Ti, Oj , operation-end, U >, where the U denotes undo information and Oj denotes a unique identifier for (the instance of) the operation. For example, if the operation inserted an entry in a B+-tree, the undo information U would indicate that a deletion operation is to be performed, and would identify the B+-tree and what to delete from the tree. Such logging of information about operations is called logical logging. In contrast, logging of old-value and new-value information is called physical logging, and the corresponding log records are called physical log records.

The insertion and deletion operations are examples of a class of operations that require logical undo operations since they release locks early; we call such operations logical operations. Before a logical operation begins, it writes a log record <Ti, Oj , operation-begin>, where Oj is the unique identifier for the operation. While the system is executing the operation, it does physical logging in the normal fashion for all updates performed by the operation. Thus, the usual old-value and new-value information is written out for each update. When the operation finishes, it writes an operation-end log record as described earlier.

Transaction Rollback

First consider transaction rollback during normal operation (that is, not during recovery from system failure). The system scans the log backward and uses log records belonging to the transaction to restore the old values of data items. Unlike rollback in normal operation, however, rollback in our advanced recovery scheme writes out special redo-only log records of the form <Ti, Xj , V > containing the value V being restored to data item Xj during the rollback. These log records are sometimes called compensation log records. Such records do not need undo information, since we will never need to undo such an undo operation.

Whenever the system finds a log record <Ti, Oj , operation-end, U >, it takes special actions:

1. It rolls back the operation by using the undo information U in the log record.

It logs the updates performed during the rollback of the operation just like updates performed when the operation was first executed. In other words, the system logs physical undo information for the updates performed during rollback, instead of using compensation log records. This is because a crash may occur while a logical undo is in progress, and on recovery the system has to complete the logical undo; to do so, restart recovery will undo the partial effects of the earlier undo, using the physical undo information, and then perform the logical undo again, as we will see in Section 17.9.4.

At the end of the operation rollback, instead of generating a log record < Ti, Oj , operation-end, U >, the system generates a log record < Ti, Oj , operation-abort>.

2. When the backward scan of the log continues, the system skips all log records of the transaction until it finds the log record <Ti, Oj , operation-begin>. After it finds the operation-begin log record, it processes log records of the transaction in the normal manner again.

Observe that skipping over physical log records when the operation-end log record is found during rollback ensures that the old values in the physical log record are not used for rollback, once the operation completes.

If the system finds a record < Ti, Oj , operation-abort>, it skips all preceding re- cords until it finds the record < Ti, Oj , operation-begin>. These preceding log records must be skipped to prevent multiple rollback of the same operation, in case there had been a crash during an earlier rollback, and the transaction had already been partly rolled back. When the transaction Ti has been rolled back, the system adds a record

<Ti abort> to the log.

If failures occur while a logical operation is in progress, the operation-end log record for the operation will not be found when the transaction is rolled back. How-ever, for every update performed by the operation, undo information—in the form of the old value in the physical log records—is available in the log. The physical log records will be used to roll back the incomplete operation.


Checkpointing is performed as described in Section 17.6. The system suspends up- dates to the database temporarily and carries out these actions:

1. It outputs to stable storage all log records currently residing in main memory.

2. It outputs to the disk all modified buffer blocks.

3. It outputs onto stable storage a log record <checkpoint L>, where L is a list of all active transactions.

Restart Recovery

Recovery actions, when the database system is restarted after a failure, take place in two phases:

1. In the redo phase, the system replays updates of all transactions by scanning the log forward from the last checkpoint. The log records that are re- played include log records for transactions that were rolled back before system crash, and those that had not committed when the system crash occurred. The records are the usual log records of the form <Ti, Xj , V1, V2> as well as the special log records of the form <Ti, Xj , V2>; the value V2 is written to data item Xj in either case. This phase also determines all transactions that are either in the transaction list in the checkpoint record, or started later, but did not have either a <Ti abort> or a <Ti commit> record in the log. All these transactions have to be rolled back, and the system puts their transaction identifiers in an undo-list.

2. In the undo phase, the system rolls back all transactions in the undo-list. It performs rollback by scanning the log backward from the end. Whenever it finds a log record belonging to a transaction in the undo-list, it performs undo actions just as if the log record had been found during the rollback of a failed transaction. Thus, log records of a transaction preceding an operation- end record, but after the corresponding operation-begin record, are ignored.

When the system finds a <Ti start> log record for a transaction Ti in undolist, it writes a <Ti abort> log record to the log. Scanning of the log stops when the system has found <Ti start> log records for all transactions in the undo-list.

The redo phase of restart recovery replays every physical log record since the most recent checkpoint record. In other words, this phase of restart recovery repeats all the update actions that were executed after the checkpoint, and whose log records reached the stable log. The actions include actions of incomplete transactions and the actions carried out to roll failed transactions back. The actions are repeated in the same order in which they were carried out; hence, this process is called repeating history. Repeating history simplifies recovery schemes greatly.

Note that if an operation undo was in progress when the system crash occurred,the physical log records written during operation undo would be found, and the partial operation undo would itself be undone on the basis of these physical log records.

After that the original operation’s operation-end record would be found during recovery, and the operation undo would be executed again.

Fuzzy Checkpointing

The checkpointing technique described in Section 17.6.3 requires that all updates to the database be temporarily suspended while the checkpoint is in progress. If the number of pages in the buffer is large, a checkpoint may take a long time to finish, which can result in an unacceptable interruption in processing of transactions.

To avoid such interruptions, the checkpointing technique can be modified to per- mit updates to start once the checkpoint record has been written, but before the modified buffer blocks are written to disk. The checkpoint thus generated is a fuzzy check- point.

Since pages are output to disk only after the checkpoint record has been written, it is possible that the system could crash before all pages are written. Thus, a checkpoint on disk may be incomplete. One way to deal with incomplete checkpoints is this: The location in the log of the checkpoint record of the last completed checkpoint is stored in a fixed position, last-checkpoint, on disk. The system does not update this information when it writes the checkpoint record. Instead, before it writes the checkpoint record, it creates a list of all modified buffer blocks. The last-checkpoint information is updated only after all buffer blocks in the list of modified buffer blocks have been output to disk.

Even with fuzzy checkpointing, a buffer block must not be updated while it is being output to disk, although other buffer blocks may be updated concurrently. The write-ahead log protocol must be followed so that (undo) log records pertaining to a block are on stable storage before the block is output.

Note that, in our scheme, logical logging is used only for undo purposes, whereas physical logging is used for redo and undo purposes. There are recovery schemes that use logical logging for redo purposes. To perform logical redo, the database state on disk must be operation consistent, that is, it should not have partial effects of any operation. It is difficult to guarantee operation consistency of the database on disk if an operation can affect more than one page, since it is not possible to write two or more pages atomically. Therefore, logical redo logging is usually restricted only to operations that affect a single page; we will see how to handle such logical redos in Section 17.9.6. In contrast, logical undos are performed on an operation-consistent database state achieved by repeating history, and then performing physical undo of partially completed operations.


The state of the art in recovery methods is best illustrated by the ARIES recovery method. The advanced recovery technique which we have described is modeled after ARIES, but has been simplified significantly to bring out key concepts and make it easier to understand. In contrast, ARIES uses a number of techniques to reduce the time taken for recovery, and to reduce the overheads of checkpointing. In particular, ARIES is able to avoid redoing many logged operations that have already been applied and to reduce the amount of information logged. The price paid is greater complexity; the benefits are worth the price.

The major differences between ARIES and our advanced recovery algorithm are

that ARIES:

1. Uses a log sequence number (LSN) to identify log records, and the use of LSNs in database pages to identify which operations have been applied to a database page.

2. Supports physiological redo operations, which are physical in that the affected page is physically identified, but can be logical within the page.

For instance, the deletion of a record from a page may result in many other records in the page being shifted, if a slotted page structure is used. With physical redo logging, all bytes of the page affected by the shifting of records must be logged. With physiological logging, the deletion operation can be logged, resulting in a much smaller log record. Redo of the deletion operation would delete the record and shift other records as required.

3. Uses a dirty page table to minimize unnecessary redos during recovery. Dirty pages are those that have been updated in memory, and the disk version is not up-to-date.

4. Uses fuzzy checkpointing scheme that only records information about dirty pages and associated information, and does not even require writing of dirty pages to disk. It flushes dirty pages in the background, continuously, instead of writing them during checkpoints.

In the rest of this section we provide an overview of ARIES. The bibliographical notes list references that provide a complete description of ARIES.

Data Structures

Each log record in ARIES has a log sequence number (LSN) that uniquely identifies the record. The number is conceptually just a logical identifier whose value is greater for log records that occur later in the log. In practice, the LSN is generated in such a way that it can also be used to locate the log record on disk. Typically, ARIES splits a log into multiple log files, each of which has a file number. When a log file grows to some limit, ARIES appends further log records to a new log file; the new log file has a file number that is higher by 1 than the previous log file. The LSN then consists of a file number and an offset within the file.

Each page also maintains an identifier called the PageLSN. Whenever an opera- tion (whether physical or logical) occurs on a page, the operation stores the LSN of its log record in the PageLSN field of the page. During the redo phase of recovery, any log records with LSN less than or equal to the PageLSN of a page should not be executed on the page, since their actions are already reflected on the page. In com- bination with a scheme for recording PageLSNs as part of checkpointing, which we present later, ARIES can avoid even reading many pages for which logged operations are already reflected on disk. Thereby recovery time is reduced significantly.

The PageLSN is essential for ensuring idempotence in the presence of physiologi- cal redo operations, since reapplying a physiological redo that has already been applied to a page could cause incorrect changes to a page.

Pages should not be flushed to disk while an update is in progress, since physiological operations cannot be redone on the partially updated state of the page on disk. Therefore, ARIES uses latches on buffer pages to prevent them from being written to disk while they are being updated. It releases the buffer page latch only after the update is completed, and the log record for the update has been written to the log.

Each log record also contains the LSN of the previous log record of the same transaction. This value, stored in the PrevLSN field, permits log records of a transaction to be fetched backward, without reading the whole log. There are special redo-only log records generated during transaction rollback, called compensation log records

(CLRs) in ARIES. These serve the same purpose as the redo-only log records in our advanced recovery scheme. In addition CLRs serve the role of the operation-abort log records in our scheme. The CLRs have an extra field, called the UndoNextLSN, that records the LSN of the log that needs to be undone next, when the transaction is being rolled back. This field serves the same purpose as the operation identifier in the operation-abort log record in our scheme, which helps to skip over log records that have already been rolled back. The DirtyPageTable contains a list of pages that have been updated in the database buffer. For each page, it stores the PageLSN and a field called the RecLSN which helps identify log records that have been applied already to the version of the page on disk. When a page is inserted into the DirtyPageTable (when it is first modified in the buffer pool) the value of RecLSN is set to the cur- rent end of log. Whenever the page is flushed to disk, the page is removed from the DirtyPageTable.

A checkpoint log record contains the DirtyPageTable and a list of active transactions. For each transaction, the checkpoint log record also notes LastLSN, the LSN of the last log record written by the transaction. A fixed position on disk also notes the LSN of the last (complete) checkpoint log record.

Recovery Algorithm

ARIES recovers from a system crash in three passes.

Analysis pass: This pass determines which transactions to undo, which pages were dirty at the time of the crash, and the LSN from which the redo pass should start.

Redo pass: This pass starts from a position determined during analysis, and performs a redo, repeating history, to bring the database to a state it was in before the crash.

Undo pass: This pass rolls back all transactions that were incomplete at the time of crash.

Analysis Pass: The analysis pass finds the last complete checkpoint log record, and reads in the DirtyPageTable from this record. It then sets RedoLSN to the minimum of the RecLSNs of the pages in the DirtyPageTable. If there are no dirty pages, it sets RedoLSN to the LSN of the checkpoint log record. The redo pass starts its scan of the log from RedoLSN. All the log records earlier than this point have already been applied to the database pages on disk. The analysis pass initially sets the list of transactions to be undone, undo-list, to the list of transactions in the checkpoint log record. The analysis pass also reads from the checkpoint log record the LSNs of the last log record for each transaction in undo-list.

The analysis pass continues scanning forward from the checkpoint. Whenever it finds a log record for a transaction not in the undo-list, it adds the transaction to undo-list. Whenever it finds a transaction end log record, it deletes the transaction from undo-list. All transactions left in undo-list at the end of analysis have to be rolled back later, in the undo pass. The analysis pass also keeps track of the last record of each transaction in undo-list, which is used in the undo pass.

The analysis pass also updates Dirty Page Table whenever it finds a log record for an update on a page. If the page is not in Dirty Page Table, the analysis pass adds it to Dirty Page Table, and sets the RecLSN of the page to the LSN of the log record.

Redo Pass: The redo pass repeats history by replaying every action that is not already reflected in the page on disk. The redo pass scans the log forward from Redo LSN. Whenever it finds an update log record, it takes this action:

1. If the page is not in Dirty Page Table or the LSN of the update log record is less than the Rec LSN of the page in Dirty Page Table, then the redo pass skips the log record.

2. Otherwise the redo pass fetches the page from disk, and if the Page LSN is less than the LSN of the log record, it redoes the log record.

Note that if either of the tests is negative, then the effects of the log record have already appeared on the page. If the first test is negative, it is not even necessary to fetch the page from disk.

Undo Pass and Transaction Rollback: The undo pass is relatively straightforward. It performs a backward scan of the log, undoing all transactions in undo-list. If a CLR is found, it uses the Undo Next LSN field to skip log records that have already been rolled back. Otherwise, it uses the PrevLSN field of the log record to find the next log record to be undone.

Whenever an update log record is used to perform an undo (whether for transaction rollback during normal processing, or during the restart undo pass), the undo pass generates a CLR containing the undo action performed (which must be physiological). It sets the Undo Next LSN of the CLR to the PrevLSN value of the update log record.

Other Features

Among other key features that ARIES provides are:

Recovery independence: Some pages can be recovered independently from others, so that they can be used even while other pages are being recovered. If some pages of a disk fail, they can be recovered without stopping transaction processing on other pages.

Savepoints: Transactions can record savepoints, and can be rolled back par- tially, up to a savepoint. This can be quite useful for deadlock handling, since transactions can be rolled back up to a point that permits release of required locks, and then restarted from that point.

Fine-grained locking: The ARIES recovery algorithm can be used with index concurrency control algorithms that permit tuple level locking on indices, in- stead of page level locking, which improves concurrency significantly.

Recovery optimizations: The Dirty Page Table can be used to prefetch pages during redo, instead of fetching a page only when the system finds a log record to be applied to the page. Out-of-order redo is also possible: Redo can be postponed on a page being fetched from disk, and performed when the page is fetched. Meanwhile, other log records can continue to be processed.

In summary, the ARIES algorithm is a state-of-the-art recovery algorithm, incorporating a variety of optimizations designed to improve concurrency, reduce logging overhead, and reduce recovery time.


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