Distributed Databases:Heterogeneous Distributed Databases
Heterogeneous Distributed Databases
Many new database applications require data from a variety of preexisting databases located in a heterogeneous collection of hardware and software environments. Manipulation of information located in a heterogeneous distributed database requires an additional software layer on top of existing database systems. This software layer is called a multidatabase system. The local database systems may employ different logical models and data-definition and data-manipulation languages, and may differ in their concurrency-control and transaction-management mechanisms. A multi- database system creates the illusion of logical database integration without requiring physical database integration.
Full integration of heterogeneous systems into a homogeneous distributed data- base is often difficult or impossible:
• Technical difficulties. The investment in application programs based on existing database systems may be huge, and the cost of converting these applications may be prohibitive.
• Organizational difficulties. Even if integration is technically possible, it may not be politically possible, because the existing database systems belong to different corporations or organizations. In such cases, it is important for a multi- database system to allow the local database systems to retain a high degree of autonomy over the local database and transactions running against that data.
For these reasons, multidatabase systems offer significant advantages that out- weigh their overhead. In this section, we provide an overview of the challenges faced in constructing a multidatabase environment from the standpoint of data definition and query processing. Section 24.6 provides an overview of transaction management issues in multidatabases.
Unified View of Data
Each local database management system may use a different data model. For in- stance, some may employ the relational model, whereas others may employ older data models, such as the network model (see Appendix A) or the hierarchical model (see Appendix B).
Since the multidatabase system is supposed to provide the illusion of a single, integrated database system, a common data model must be used. A commonly used choice is the relational model, with SQL as the common query language. Indeed, there are several systems available today that allow SQL queries to a nonrelational database management system.
Another difficulty is the provision of a common conceptual schema. Each local system provides its own conceptual schema. The multidatabase system must integrate these separate schemas into one common schema. Schema integration is a complicated task, mainly because of the semantic heterogeneity.
Schema integration is not simply straightforward translation between data-definition languages. The same attribute names may appear in different local databases but with different meanings. The data types used in one system may not be supported by other systems, and translation between types may not be simple. Even for identical data types, problems may arise from the physical representation of data: One system may use ASCII, another EBCDIC; floating-point representations may differ; integers may be represented in big-endian or little-endian form. At the semantic level, an integer value for length may be inches in one system and millimeters in another, thus creating an awkward situation in which equality of integers is only an approximate notion (as is always the case for floating-point numbers). The same name may appear in different languages in different systems. For example, a system based in the United States may refer to the city “Cologne,” whereas one in Germany refers to it as All these seemingly minor distinctions must be properly recorded in the common global conceptual schema. Translation functions must be provided. Indices must be annotated for system-dependent behavior (for example, the sort order of nonalphanumeric characters is not the same in ASCII as in EBCDIC). As we noted earlier, the alternative of converting each database to a common format may not be feasible without obsoleting existing application programs.
Query Processing
Query processing in a heterogeneous database can be complicated. Some of the issues are:
• Given a query on a global schema, the query may have to be translated into queries on local schemas at each of the sites where the query has to be executed. The query results have to be translated back into the global schema.
The task is simplified by writing wrappers for each data source, which provide a view of the local data in the global schema. Wrappers also translate queries on the global schema into queries on the local schema, and translate results back into the global schema. Wrappers may be provided by individual sites, or may be written separately as part of the multidatabase system.
Wrappers can even be used to provide a relational view of nonrelational data sources, such as Web pages (possibly with forms interfaces), flat files, hierarchical and network databases, and directory systems.
• Some data sources may provide only limited query capabilities; for instance, they may support selections, but not joins. They may even restrict the form of selections, allowing selections only on certain fields; Web data sources with form interfaces are an example of such data sources. Queries may therefore have to be broken up, to be partly performed at the data source and partly at the site issuing the query.
• In general, more than one site may need to be accessed to answer a given query. Answers retrieved from the sites may have to be processed to remove duplicates. Suppose one site contains account tuples satisfying the selection balance < 100, while another contains account tuples satisfying balance > 50. A query on the entire account relation would require access to both sites and removal of duplicate answers resulting from tuples with balance between 50 and 100, which are replicated at both sites.
• Global query optimization in a heterogeneous database is difficult, since the query execution system may not know what the costs are of alternative query plans at different sites. The usual solution is to rely on only local-level optimization, and just use heuristics at the global level.
Mediator systems are systems that integrate multiple heterogeneous data sources, providing an integrated global view of the data and providing query facilities on the global view. Unlike full-fledged multidatabase systems, mediator systems do not bother about transaction processing. (The terms mediator and multidatabase are often used in an interchangeable fashion, and systems that are called mediators may support limited forms of transactions.) The term virtual database is used to refer to multidatabase/mediator systems, since they provide the appearance of a single database with a global schema, although data exist on multiple sites in local schemas.
Directory Systems
Consider an organization that wishes to make data about its employees available to a variety of people in the organization; example of the kinds of data would include name, designation, employee-id, address, email address, phone number, fax number, and so on. In the precomputerization days, organizations would create physical directories of employees and distribute them across the organization. Even today, telephone companies create physical directories of customers.
In general, a directory is a listing of information about some class of objects such as persons. Directories can be used to find information about a specific object, or in the reverse direction to find objects that meet a certain requirement. In the world of physical telephone directories, directories that satisfy lookups in the forward direction are called white pages, while directories that satisfy lookups in the reverse direction are called yellow pages.
In today’s networked world, the need for directories is still present and, if any- thing, even more important. However, directories today need to be available over a computer network, rather than in a physical (paper) form.
Directory Access Protocols
Directory information can be made available through Web interfaces, as many organizations, and phone companies in particular do. Such interfaces are good for humans. However, programs too, need to access directory information. Directories can be used for storing other types of information, much like file system directories. For instance, Web browsers can store personal bookmarks and other browser settings in a directory system. A user can thus access the same settings from multiple locations, such as at home and at work, without having to share a file system.
Several directory access protocols have been developed to provide a standardized way of accessing data in a directory. The most widely used among them today is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
Obviously all the types of data in our examples can be stored without much trouble in a database system, and accessed through protocols such as JDBC or ODBC. The question then is, why come up with a specialized protocol for accessing directory information? There are at least two answers to the question.
• First, directory access protocols are simplified protocols that cater to a limited type of access to data. They evolved in parallel with the database access protocols.
• Second, and more important, directory systems provide a simple mechanism to name objects in a hierarchical fashion, similar to file system directory names, which can be used in a distributed directory system to specify what information is stored in each of the directory servers. For example, a particular directory server may store information for Bell Laboratories employees in Murray Hill, while another may store information for Bell Laboratories employees in Bangalore, giving both sites autonomy in controlling their local data. The di- rectory access protocol can be used to obtain data from both directories, across a network. More importantly, the directory system can be set up to automatically forward queries made at one site to the other site, without user intervention.
For these reasons, several organizations have directory systems to make organizational information available online. As may be expected, several directory implementations find it beneficial to use relational databases to store data, instead of creating special-purpose storage systems.
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
In general a directory system is implemented as one or more servers, which service multiple clients. Clients use the application programmer interface defined by directory system to communicate with the directory servers. Directory access protocols also define a data model and access control.
The X.500 directory access protocol, defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is a standard for accessing directory information. However, the protocol is rather complex, and is not widely used. The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) provides many of the X.500 features, but with less complex- ity, and is widely used. In the rest of this section, we shall outline the data model and access protocol details of LDAP.
LDAP Data Model
In LDAP directories store entries, which are similar to objects. Each entry must have a distinguished name (DN), which uniquely identifies the entry. A DN is in turn made up of a sequence of relative distinguished names (RDNs). For example, an entry may have the following distinguished name.
cn=Silberschatz, ou=Bell Labs, o=Lucent, c=USA
As you can see, the distinguished name in this example is a combination of a name and (organizational) address, starting with a person’s name, then giving the organizational unit (ou), the organization (o), and country (c). The order of the components of a distinguished name reflects the normal postal address order, rather than the reverse order used in specifying path names for files. The set of RDNs for a DN is defined by the schema of the directory system.
Entries can also have attributes. LDAP provides binary, string, and time types, and additionally the types tel for telephone numbers, and PostalAddress for addresses (lines separated by a “$” character). Unlike those in the relational model, attributes are multivalued by default, so it is possible to store multiple telephone numbers or addresses for an entry.
LDAP allows the definition of object classes with attribute names and types. In- heritance can be used in defining object classes. Moreover, entries can be specified to be of one or more object classes. It is not necessary that there be a single most-specific object class to which an entry belongs.
Entries are organized into a directory information tree (DIT), according to their distinguished names. Entries at the leaf level of the tree usually represent specific objects. Entries that are internal nodes represent objects such as organizational units, organizations, or countries. The children of a node have a DN containing all the RDNs of the parent, and one or more additional RDNs. For instance, an internal node may have a DN c=USA, and all entries below it have the value USA for the RDN c.
The entire distinguished name need not be stored in an entry; The system can generate the distinguished name of an entry by traversing up the DIT from the entry, collecting the RDN=value components to create the full distinguished name.
Entries may have more than one distinguished name — for example, an entry for a person in more than one organization. To deal with such cases, the leaf level of a DIT can be an alias, which points to an entry in another branch of the tree.
Data Manipulation
Unlike SQL, LDAP does not define either a data-definition language or a data manipulation language. However, LDAP defines a network protocol for carrying out data definition and manipulation. Users of LDAP can either use an application programming interface, or use tools provided by various vendors to perform data definition and manipulation. LDAP also defines a file format called LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) that can be used for storing and exchanging information.
The querying mechanism in LDAP is very simple, consisting of just selections and projections, without any join. A query must specify the following:
• A base — that is, a node within a DIT — by giving its distinguished name (the path from the root to the node).
• A search condition, which can be a Boolean combination of conditions on individual attributes. Equality, matching by wild-card characters, and approximate equality (the exact definition of approximate equality is system dependent) are supported.
• A scope, which can be just the base, the base and its children, or the entire subtree beneath the base.
• Attributes to return.
• Limits on number of results and resource consumption.
The query can also specify whether to automatically dereference aliases; if alias dereferences are turned off, alias entries can be returned as answers.
One way of querying an LDAP data source is by using LDAP URLs. Examples of LDAP URLs are:
The first URL returns all attributes of all entries at the server with organization being Lucent, and country being USA. The second URL executes a search query (selection) cn=Korth on the subtree of the node with distinguished name o=Lucent, c=USA. The question marks in the URL separate different fields. The first field is the distinguished name, here o=Lucent,c=USA. The second field, the list of attributes to return, is left empty, meaning return all attributes. The third attribute, sub, indicates that the entire subtree is to be searched. The last parameter is the search condition.
A second way of querying an LDAP directory is by using an application program- ming interface. Figure 19.6 shows a piece of C code used to connect to an LDAP server and run a query against the server. The code first opens a connection to an LDAP server by ldap open and ldap bind. It then executes a query by ldap search s. The arguments to ldap search s are the LDAP connection handle, the DN of the base from which the search should be done, the scope of the search, the search condition, the list of attributes to be returned, and an attribute called attrsonly, which, if set to 1, would result in only the schema of the result being returned, without any actual tu- ples. The last argument is an output argument that returns the result of the search as an LDAPMessage structure.
The first for loop iterates over and prints each entry in the result. Note that an entry may have multiple attributes, and the second for loop prints each attribute. Since attributes in LDAP may be multivalued, the third for loop prints each value of an attribute. The calls ldap msgfree and ldap value free free memory that is allocated by the LDAP libraries. Figure 19.6 does not show code for handling error conditions.
The LDAP API also contains functions to create, update, and delete entries, as well as other operations on the DIT. Each function call behaves like a separate transaction; LDAP does not support atomicity of multiple updates.
Distributed Directory Trees
Information about an organization may be split into multiple DITs, each of which stores information about some entries. The suffix of a DIT is a sequence of RDN=value pairs that identify what information the DIT stores; the pairs are concatenated to the rest of the distinguished name generated by traversing from the entry to the root. For instance, the suffix of a DIT may be o=Lucent, c=USA, while another may have the suffix o=Lucent, c=India. The DITs may be organizationally and geographically separated.
A node in a DIT may contain a referral to another node in another DIT; for in- stance, the organizational unit Bell Labs under o=Lucent, c=USA may have its own DIT, in which case the DIT for o=Lucent, c=USA would have a node ou=Bell Labs representing a referral to the DIT for Bell Labs.
Referrals are the key component that help organize a distributed collection of di- rectories into an integrated system. When a server gets a query on a DIT, it may
return a referral to the client, which then issues a query on the referenced DIT. Access to the referenced DIT is transparent, proceeding without the user’s knowledge. Alternatively, the server itself may issue the query to the referred DIT and return the results along with locally computed results.
The hierarchical naming mechanism used by LDAP helps break up control of in- formation across parts of an organization. The referral facility then helps integrate all the directories in an organization into a single virtual directory.
Although it is not an LDAP requirement, organizations often choose to break up information either by geography (for instance, an organization may maintain a directory for each site where the organization has a large presence) or by organizational structure (for instance, each organizational unit, such as department, maintains its own directory).
Many LDAP implementations support master–slave and multimaster replication of DITs, although replication is not part of the current LDAP version 3 standard. Work on standardizing replication in LDAP is in progress.
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