Indexing and Hashing:Ordered Indices.

Ordered Indices

To gain fast random access to records in a file, we can use an index structure. Each index structure is associated with a particular search key. Just like the index of a book or a library catalog, an ordered index stores the values of the search keys in sorted order, and associates with each search key the records that contain it.

The records in the indexed file may themselves be stored in some sorted order, just as books in a library are stored according to some attribute such as the Dewey deci-


mal number. A file may have several indices, on different search keys. If the file containing the records is sequentially ordered, a primary index is an index whose search key also defines the sequential order of the file. (The term primary index is sometimes used to mean an index on a primary key. However, such usage is nonstandard and should be avoided.) Primary indices are also called clustering indices. The search key of a primary index is usually the primary key, although that is not necessarily so. Indices whose search key specifies an order different from the sequential order of the file are called secondary indices, or nonclustering indices.

Primary Index

In this section, we assume that all files are ordered sequentially on some search key. Such files, with a primary index on the search key, are called index-sequential files. They represent one of the oldest index schemes used in database systems. They are designed for applications that require both sequential processing of the entire file and random access to individual records.

Figure 12.1 shows a sequential file of account records taken from our banking ex- ample. In the example of Figure 12.1, the records are stored in search-key order, with branch-name used as the search key.

Dense and Sparse Indices

An index record, or index entry, consists of a search-key value, and pointers to one or more records with that value as their search-key value. The pointer to a record consists of the identifier of a disk block and an offset within the disk block to identify the record within the block.

There are two types of ordered indices that we can use:

Dense index: An index record appears for every search-key value in the file. In a dense primary index, the index record contains the search-key value and a pointer to the first data record with that search-key value. The rest of the records with the same search key-value would be stored sequentially after the first record, since, because the index is a primary one, records are sorted on the same search key.

Dense index implementations may store a list of pointers to all records with the same search-key value; doing so is not essential for primary indices.

Sparse index: An index record appears for only some of the search-key values. As is true in dense indices, each index record contains a search-key value and a pointer to the first data record with that search-key value. To locate a record, we find the index entry with the largest search-key value that is less than or equal to the search-key value for which we are looking. We start at the record pointed to by that index entry, and follow the pointers in the file until we find the desired record.

Figures 12.2 and 12.3 show dense and sparse indices, respectively, for the account file. Suppose that we are looking up records for the Perryridge branch. Using the dense index of Figure 12.2, we follow the pointer directly to the first Perryridge record. We process this record, and follow the pointer in that record to locate the next record in search-key (branch-name) order. We continue processing records until we encounter a record for a branch other than Perryridge. If we are using the sparse index (Figure 12.3), we do not find an index entry for “Perryridge.” Since the last en- try (in alphabetic order) before “Perryridge” is “Mianus,” we follow that pointer. We then read the account file in sequential order until we find the first Perryridge record, and begin processing at that point.

As we have seen, it is generally faster to locate a record if we have a dense index rather than a sparse index. However, sparse indices have advantages over dense in- dices in that they require less space and they impose less maintenance overhead for insertions and deletions.

There is a trade-off that the system designer must make between access time and space overhead. Although the decision regarding this trade-off depends on the specific application, a good compromise is to have a sparse index with one index entry per block. The reason this design is a good trade-off is that the dominant cost in pro-



cessing a database request is the time that it takes to bring a block from disk into main memory. Once we have brought in the block, the time to scan the entire block is negligible. Using this sparse index, we locate the block containing the record that we are seeking. Thus, unless the record is on an overflow block (see Section 11.7.1), we minimize block accesses while keeping the size of the index (and thus, our space overhead) as small as possible.

For the preceding technique to be fully general, we must consider the case where records for one search-key value occupy several blocks. It is easy to modify our scheme to handle this situation.

Multilevel Indices

Even if we use a sparse index, the index itself may become too large for efficient processing. It is not unreasonable, in practice, to have a file with 100,000 records, with 10 records stored in each block. If we have one index record per block, the index has 10,000 records. Index records are smaller than data records, so let us assume that 100 index records fit on a block. Thus, our index occupies 100 blocks. Such large indices are stored as sequential files on disk.

If an index is sufficiently small to be kept in main memory, the search time to find an entry is low. However, if the index is so large that it must be kept on disk, a search for an entry requires several disk block reads. Binary search can be used on the index file to locate an entry, but the search still has a large cost. If the index occupies b blocks, binary search requires as many as plog2(b)l blocks to be read. (pxl denotes the least integer that is greater than or equal to x; that is, we round upward.) For our 100-block index, binary search requires seven block reads. On a disk system where a block read takes 30 milliseconds, the search will take 210 milliseconds, which is long.

Note that, if overflow blocks have been used, binary search will not be possible. In that case, a sequential search is typically used, and that requires b block reads, which will take even longer. Thus, the process of searching a large index may be costly.

To deal with this problem, we treat the index just as we would treat any other sequential file, and construct a sparse index on the primary index, as in Figure 12.4.

To locate a record, we first use binary search on the outer index to find the record for the largest search-key value less than or equal to the one that we desire. The pointer points to a block of the inner index. We scan this block until we find the record that has the largest search-key value less than or equal to the one that we desire. The pointer in this record points to the block of the file that contains the record for which we are looking.

Using the two levels of indexing, we have read only one index block, rather than the seven we read with binary search, if we assume that the outer index is already in main memory. If our file is extremely large, even the outer index may grow too large to fit in main memory. In such a case, we can create yet another level of index. Indeed, we can repeat this process as many times as necessary. Indices with two or more levels are called multilevel indices. Searching for records with a multilevel index requires significantly fewer I/O operations than does searching for records by binary search. Each level of index could correspond to a unit of physical storage. Thus, we may have indices at the track, cylinder, and disk levels.

A typical dictionary is an example of a multilevel index in the nondatabase world. The header of each page lists the first word alphabetically on that page. Such a book


index is a multilevel index: The words at the top of each page of the book index form a sparse index on the contents of the dictionary pages.

Multilevel indices are closely related to tree structures, such as the binary trees used for in-memory indexing. We shall examine the relationship later, in Section 12.3.

Index Update

Regardless of what form of index is used, every index must be updated whenever a record is either inserted into or deleted from the file. We first describe algorithms for updating single-level indices.

Insertion. First, the system performs a lookup using the search-key value that appears in the record to be inserted. Again, the actions the system takes next depend on whether the index is dense or sparse:

Dense indices:

1. If the search-key value does not appear in the index, the system inserts an index record with the search-key value in the index at the appropriate position.

2. Otherwise the following actions are taken:

a. If the index record stores pointers to all records with the same search-key value, the system adds a pointer to the new record to the index record.

b. Otherwise, the index record stores a pointer to only the first record with the search-key value. The system then places the record being inserted after the other records with the same search-key values.

Sparse indices: We assume that the index stores an entry for each block.

If the system creates a new block, it inserts the first search-key value (in search-key order) appearing in the new block into the index. On the other hand, if the new record has the least search-key value in its block, the system updates the index entry pointing to the block; if not, the system makes no change to the index.

Deletion. To delete a record, the system first looks up the record to be deleted. The actions the system takes next depend on whether the index is dense or sparse:

Dense indices:

1. If the deleted record was the only record with its particular search-key value, then the system deletes the corresponding index record from the index.

2. Otherwise the following actions are taken:

a. If the index record stores pointers to all records with the same search-key value, the system deletes the pointer to the deleted re- cord from the index record.

b. Otherwise, the index record stores a pointer to only the first record with the search-key value. In this case, if the deleted record was the first record with the search-key value, the system updates the index record to point to the next record.

Sparse indices:

1. If the index does not contain an index record with the search-key value of the deleted record, nothing needs to be done to the index.

2. Otherwise the system takes the following actions:

a. If the deleted record was the only record with its search key, the system replaces the corresponding index record with an index record for the next search-key value (in search-key order). If the next search-key value already has an index entry, the entry is deleted instead of being replaced.

b. Otherwise, if the index record for the search-key value points to the record being deleted, the system updates the index record to point to the next record with the same search-key value.

Insertion and deletion algorithms for multilevel indices are a simple extension of the scheme just described. On deletion or insertion, the system updates the lowest- level index as described. As far as the second level is concerned, the lowest-level index is merely a file containing records—thus, if there is any change in the lowest-level index, the system updates the second-level index as described. The same technique applies to further levels of the index, if there are any.

Secondary Indices

Secondary indices must be dense, with an index entry for every search-key value, and a pointer to every record in the file. A primary index may be sparse, storing only some of the search-key values, since it is always possible to find records with intermediate search-key values by a sequential access to a part of the file, as described earlier. If a secondary index stores only some of the search-key values, records with intermediate search-key values may be anywhere in the file and, in general, we cannot find them without searching the entire file.

A secondary index on a candidate key looks just like a dense primary index, except that the records pointed to by successive values in the index are not stored sequentially. In general, however, secondary indices may have a different structure from primary indices. If the search key of a primary index is not a candidate key, it suffices if the index points to the first record with a particular value for the search key, since the other records can be fetched by a sequential scan of the file.

In contrast, if the search key of a secondary index is not a candidate key, it is not enough to point to just the first record with each search-key value. The remaining records with the same search-key value could be anywhere in the file, since the records are ordered by the search key of the primary index, rather than by the search key of the secondary index. Therefore, a secondary index must contain pointers to all the records.


We can use an extra level of indirection to implement secondary indices on search keys that are not candidate keys. The pointers in such a secondary index do not point directly to the file. Instead, each points to a bucket that contains pointers to the file. Figure 12.5 shows the structure of a secondary index that uses an extra level of indirection on the account file, on the search key balance.

A sequential scan in primary index order is efficient because records in the file are stored physically in the same order as the index order. However, we cannot (except in rare special cases) store a file physically order d both by the search key of the primary index, and the search key of a secondary index. Because secondary-key order and physical-key order differ, if we attempt to scan the file sequentially in secondary-key order, the reading of each record is likely to require the reading of a new block from disk, which is very slow.

The procedure described earlier for deletion and insertion can also be applied to secondary indices; the actions taken are those described for dense indices storing a pointer to every record in the file. If a file has multiple indices, whenever the file is modified, every index must be updated.

Secondary indices improve the performance of queries that use keys other than the search key of the primary index. However, they impose a significant overhead

on modification of the database. The designer of a database decides which secondary indices are desirable on the basis of an estimate of the relative frequency of queries and modifications.


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