Concurrency Control:Shadow Paging

Shadow Paging

An alternative to log-based crash-recovery techniques is shadow paging. The shadow-paging technique is essentially an improvement on the shadow-copy technique that we saw in Section 15.3. Under certain circumstances, shadow paging may require fewer disk accesses than do the log-based methods discussed previously. There are, however, disadvantages to the shadow-paging approach, as we shall see, that limit its use. For example, it is hard to extend shadow paging to allow multiple transactions to execute concurrently.

As before, the database is partitioned into some number of fixed-length blocks, which are referred to as pages. The term page is borrowed from operating systems, since we are using a paging scheme for memory management. Assume that there are n pages, numbered 1 through n. (In practice, n may be in the hundreds of thousands.) These pages do not need to be stored in any particular order on disk (there are many reasons why they do not, as we saw in Chapter 11). However, there must be a way to find the ith page of the database for any given i. We use a page table, as in Figure 17.8, for this purpose. The page table has n entries—one for each database page. Each entry contains a pointer to a page on disk. The first entry contains a pointer to the first page of the database, the second entry points to the second page, and so on. The example in Figure 17.8 shows that the logical order of database pages does not need to correspond to the physical order in which the pages are placed on disk.

The key idea behind the shadow-paging technique is to maintain two page tables during the life of a transaction: the current page table and the shadow page table. When the transaction starts, both page tables are identical. The shadow page table is

never changed over the duration of the transaction. The current page table may be changed when a transaction performs a write operation. All input and output operations use the current page table to locate database pages on disk.

Suppose that the transaction Tj performs a write(X) operation, and that X resides on the ith page. The system executes the write operation as follows:

1. If the ith page (that is, the page on which X resides) is not already in main memory, then the system issues input(X).

2. If this is the write first performed on the ith page by this transaction, then the system modifies the current page table as follows:

a. It finds an unused page on disk. Usually, the database system has access to a list of unused (free) pages, as we saw in Chapter 11.


b. It deletes the page found in step 2a from the list of free page frames; it copies the contents of the ith page to the page found in step 2a.

c. It modifies the current page table so that the ith entry points to the page found in step 2a.

3. It assigns the value of xj to X in the buffer page.

Compare this action for a write operation with that described in Section 17.2.3 The only difference is that we have added a new step. Steps 1 and 3 here correspond to steps 1 and 2 in Section 17.2.3. The added step, step 2, manipulates the current


page table. Figure 17.9 shows the shadow and current page tables for a transaction performing a write to the fourth page of a database consisting of 10 pages.

Intuitively, the shadow-page approach to recovery is to store the shadow page table in nonvolatile storage, so that the state of the database prior to the execution of the transaction can be recovered in the event of a crash, or transaction abort. When the transaction commits, the system writes the current page table to nonvolatile stor- age. The current page table then becomes the new shadow page table, and the next transaction is allowed to begin execution. It is important that the shadow page table be stored in nonvolatile storage, since it provides the only means of locating database pages. The current page table may be kept in main memory (volatile storage). We do not care whether the current page table is lost in a crash, since the system recovers by using the shadow page table.

Successful recovery requires that we find the shadow page table on disk after a crash. A simple way of finding it is to choose one fixed location in stable storage that contains the disk address of the shadow page table. When the system comes back up after a crash, it copies the shadow page table into main memory and uses it for

subsequent transaction processing. Because of our definition of the write operation, we are guaranteed that the shadow page table will point to the database pages corresponding to the state of the database prior to any transaction that was active at the time of the crash. Thus, aborts are automatic. Unlike our log-based schemes, shadow paging needs to invoke no undo operations.

To commit a transaction, we must do the following:

1. Ensure that all buffer pages in main memory that have been changed by the transaction are output to disk. (Note that these output operations will not change database pages pointed to by some entry in the shadow page table.)

2. Output the current page table to disk. Note that we must not overwrite the shadow page table, since we may need it for recovery from a crash.

3. Output the disk address of the current page table to the fixed location in stable storage containing the address of the shadow page table. This action over- writes the address of the old shadow page table. Therefore, the current page table has become the shadow page table, and the transaction is committed.

If a crash occurs prior to the completion of step 3, we revert to the state just prior to the execution of the transaction. If the crash occurs after the completion of step 3, the effects of the transaction will be preserved; no redo operations need to be invoked.

Shadow paging offers several advantages over log-based techniques. The over- head of log-record output is eliminated, and recovery from crashes is significantly faster (since no undo or redo operations are needed). However, there are drawbacks to the shadow-page technique:

Commit overhead. The commit of a single transaction using shadow paging requires multiple blocks to be output—the actual data blocks, the current page table, and the disk address of the current page table. Log-based schemes need to output only the log records, which, for typical small transactions, fit within one block.

The overhead of writing an entire page table can be reduced by implementing the page table as a tree structure, with page table entries at the leaves. We outline the idea below, and leave it to the reader to fill in missing details. The nodes of the tree are pages and have a high fanout, like B+-trees. The current page table’s tree is initially the same as the shadow page table’s tree. When a page is to be updated for the first time, the system changes the entry in the cur- rent page table to point to the copy of the page. If the leaf page containing the entry has been copied already, the system directly updates it. Otherwise, the system first copies it, and updates the copy. In turn, the parent of the copied page needs to be updated to point to the new copy, which the system does by applying the same procedure to its parent, copying it if it was not already copied. The process of copying proceeds up to the root of the tree. Changes are made only to the copied nodes, so the shadow page table’s tree does not get modified.

The benefit of the tree representation is that the only pages that need to be copied are the leaf pages that are updated, and all their ancestors in the tree. All the other parts of the tree are shared between the shadow and the current page table, and do not need to be copied. The reduction in copying costs can be very significant for large databases. However, several pages of the page table still need to copied for each transaction, and the log-based schemes continue to be superior as long as most transactions update only small parts of the database.

Data fragmentation. In Chapter 11, we considered strategies to ensure locality — that is, to keep related database pages close physically on the disk. Locality allows for faster data transfer. Shadow paging causes database pages to change location when they are updated. As a result, either we lose the locality property of the pages or we must resort to more complex, higher-overhead schemes for physical storage management. (See the bibliographical notes for references.)

Garbage collection. Each time that a transaction commits, the database pages containing the old version of data changed by the transaction become inaccessible. In Figure 17.9, the page pointed to by the fourth entry of the shadow page table will become inaccessible once the transaction of that example commits. Such pages are considered garbage, since they are not part of free space and do not contain usable information. Garbage may be created also as a side effect of crashes. Periodically, it is necessary to find all the garbage pages, and to add them to the list of free pages. This process, called garbage collection, imposes additional overhead and complexity on the system. There are several standard algorithms for garbage collection. (See the bibliographical notes for references.)

In addition to the drawbacks of shadow paging just mentioned, shadow paging is more difficult than logging to adapt to systems that allow several transactions to exe- cute concurrently. In such systems, some logging is usually required, even if shadow paging is used. The System R prototype, for example, used a combination of shadow paging and a logging scheme similar to that presented in Section 17.4.2. It is relatively easy to extend the log-based recovery schemes to allow concurrent transactions, as we shall see in Section 17.6. For these reasons, shadow paging is not widely used.
