Application Development and Administration:Performance Benchmarks
Performance Benchmarks
As database servers become more standardized, the differentiating factor among the products of different vendors is those products’ performance. Performance bench- marks are suites of tasks that are used to quantify the performance of software systems.
Suites of Tasks
Since most software systems, such as databases, are complex, there is a good deal of variation in their implementation by different vendors. As a result, there is a significant amount of variation in their performance on different tasks. One system may be
the most efficient on a particular task; another may be the most efficient on a different task. Hence, a single task is usually insufficient to quantify the performance of the system. Instead, the performance of a system is measured by suites of standardized tasks, called performance benchmarks.
Combining the performance numbers from multiple tasks must be done with care. Suppose that we have two tasks, T1 and T2, and that we measure the throughput of a system as the number of transactions of each type that run in a given amount of time — say, 1 second. Suppose that system A runs T1 at 99 transactions per second, and that T2 runs at 1 transaction per second. Similarly, let system B run both T1 and T2 at 50 transactions per second. Suppose also that a workload has an equal mixture of the two types of transactions.
If we took the average of the two pairs of numbers (that is, 99 and 1, versus 50 and 50), it might appear that the two systems have equal performance. However, it is wrong to take the averages in this fashion — if we ran 50 transactions of each type, system A would take about 50.5 seconds to finish, whereas system B would finish in just 2 seconds!
The example shows that a simple measure of performance is misleading if there is more than one type of transaction. The right way to average out the numbers is to take the time to completion for the workload, rather than the average throughput for each transaction type. We can then compute system performance accurately in trans-actions per second for a specified workload. Thus, system A takes 50.5/100, which is 0.505 seconds per transaction, whereas system B takes 0.02 seconds per transaction, on average. In terms of throughput, system A runs at an average of 1.98 transactions per second, whereas system B runs at 50 transactions per second. Assuming that transactions of all the types are equally likely, the correct way to average out the throughputs on different transaction types is to take the harmonic mean of the For our example, the harmonic mean for the throughputs in system A is 1.98. For system B, it is 50. Thus, system B is approximately 25 times faster than system A on a workload consisting of an equal mixture of the two example types of transactions.
Database-Application Classes
Online transaction processing (OLTP) and decision support (including online analytical processing (OLAP)) are two broad classes of applications handled by database systems. These two classes of tasks have different requirements. High concurrency and clever techniques to speed up commit processing are required for supporting a high rate of update transactions. On the other hand, good query-evaluation algorithms and query optimization are required for decision support. The architecture of some database systems has been tuned to transaction processing; that of others, such as the Teradata DBC series of parallel database systems, has been tuned to decision support. Other vendors try to strike a balance between the two tasks.
Applications usually have a mixture of transaction-processing and decision- sup- port requirements. Hence, which database system is best for an application depends on what mix of the two requirements the application has.
Suppose that we have throughput numbers for the two classes of applications separately, and the application at hand has a mix of transactions in the two classes. We must be careful even about taking the harmonic mean of the throughput numbers, because of interference between the transactions. For example, a long-running decision-support transaction may acquire a number of locks, which may prevent all progress of update transactions. The harmonic mean of throughputs should be used only if the transactions do not interfere with one another.
The TPC Benchmarks
The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC), has defined a series of benchmark standards for database systems.
The TPC benchmarks are defined in great detail. They define the set of relations and the sizes of the tuples. They define the number of tuples in the relations not as a fixed number, but rather as a multiple of the number of claimed transactions per second, to reflect that a larger rate of transaction execution is likely to be correlated with a larger number of accounts. The performance metric is throughput, expressed as transactions per second (TPS). When its performance is measured, the system must provide a response time within certain bounds, so that a high throughput cannot be obtained at the cost of very long response times. Further, for business applications, cost is of great importance. Hence, the TPC benchmark also measures performance in terms of price per TPS. A large system may have a high number of transactions per second, but may be expensive (that is, have a high price per TPS). Moreover, a company cannot claim TPC benchmark numbers for its systems without an external audit that ensures that the system faithfully follows the definition of the benchmark, including full support for the ACID properties of transactions.
The first in the series was the TPC-A benchmark, which was defined in 1989. This benchmark simulates a typical bank application by a single type of transaction that models cash withdrawal and deposit at a bank teller. The transaction updates several relations — such as the bank balance, the teller’s balance, and the customer’s balance — and adds a record to an audit trail relation. The benchmark also incorporates communication with terminals, to model the end-to-end performance of the system realistically. The TPC-B benchmark was designed to test the core performance of the database system, along with the operating system on which the system runs. It removes the parts of the TPC-A benchmark that deal with users, communication, and terminals, to focus on the back-end database server. Neither TPC-A nor TPC-B is widely used today.
The TPC-C benchmark was designed to model a more complex system than the TPC-A benchmark. The TPC-C benchmark concentrates on the main activities in an order-entry environment, such as entering and delivering orders, recording payments, checking status of orders, and monitoring levels of stock. The TPC-C benchmark is still widely used for transaction processing.
The TPC-D benchmark was designed to test the performance of database systems on decision-support queries. Decision-support systems are becoming increasingly important today. The TPC-A, TPC-B, and TPC-C benchmarks measure performance on transaction-processing workloads, and should not be used as a measure of per- formance on decision-support queries. The D in TPC-D stands for decision support. The TPC-D benchmark schema models a sales/distribution application, with parts, suppliers, customers, and orders, along with some auxiliary information. The sizes of the relations are defined as a ratio, and database size is the total size of all the relations, expressed in gigabytes. TPC-D at scale factor 1 represents the TPC-D benchmark on a 1-gigabyte database, while scale factor 10 represents a 10-gigabyte database. The benchmark workload consists of a set of 17 SQL queries modeling common tasks executed on decision-support systems. Some of the queries make use of complex SQL features, such as aggregation and nested queries.
The benchmark’s users soon realized that the various TPC-D queries could be significantly speeded up by using materialized views and other redundant information. There are applications, such as periodic reporting tasks, where the queries are known in advance and materialized view can be carefully selected to speed up the queries. It is necessary, however, to account for the overhead of maintaining materalized views.
The TPC-R benchmark (where R stands for reporting) is a refinement of the TPC-D benchmark. The schema is the same, but there are 22 queries, of which 16 are from TPC-D. In addition, there are two updates, a set of inserts and a set of deletes. The database running the benchmark is permitted to use materialized views and other redundant information.
In contrast the TPC-H benchmark (where H represents ad hoc) uses the same schema and workload as TPC-R but prohibits materialized views and other redundant information, and permits indices only on primary and foreign keys. This benchmark models ad hoc querying where the queries are not known beforehand, so it is not possible to create appropriate materialized views ahead of time.
Both TPC-H and TPC-R measure performance in this way: The power test runs the queries and updates one at a time sequentially, and 3600 seconds divided by geometric mean of the execution times of the queries (in seconds) gives a measure of queries per hour. The throughput test runs multiple streams in parallel, with each stream executing all 22 queries. There is also a parallel update stream. Here the total time for the entire run is used to compute the number of queries per hour.
The composite query per hour metric, which is the overall metric, is then obtained as the square root of the the product of the power and throughput metrics. A composite price/performance metric is defined by dividing the system price by the composite metric.
The TPC-W Web commerce benchmark is an end-to-end benchmark that models Web sites having static content (primarily images) and dynamic content generated from a database. Caching of dynamic content is specifically permitted, since it is very useful for speeding up Web sites. The benchmark models an electronic bookstore, and like other TPC benchmarks, provides for different scale factors. The primary performance metrics are Web interactions per second (WIPS) and price per WIPS.
The OODB Benchmarks
The nature of applications in an object-oriented database, OODB, is different from that of typical transaction-processing applications. Therefore, a different set of bench- marks has been proposed for OODBs. The Object Operations benchmark, version 1, popularly known as the OO1 benchmark, was an early proposal. The OO7 bench- mark follows a philosophy different from that of the TPC benchmarks. The TPC bench- marks provide one or two numbers (in terms of average transactions per second, and transactions per second per dollar); the OO7 benchmark provides a set of numbers, containing a separate benchmark number for each of several different kinds of operations. The reason for this approach is that it is not yet clear what is the typical OODB transaction. It is clear that such a transaction will carry out certain operations, such as traversing a set of connected objects or retrieving all objects in a class, but it is not clear exactly what mix of these operations will be used. Hence, the benchmark pro- vides separate numbers for each class of operations; the numbers can be combined in an appropriate way, depending on the specific application.
Standards define the interface of a software system; for example, standards define the syntax and semantics of a programming language, or the functions in an application- program interface, or even a data model (such as the object-oriented-database standards). Today, database systems are complex, and are often made up of multiple in- dependently created parts that need to interact. For example, client programs may be created independently of back-end systems, but the two must be able to interact with each other. A company that has multiple heterogeneous database systems may need to exchange data between the databases. Given such a scenario, standards play an important role.
Formal standards are those developed by a standards organization or by industry groups, through a public process. Dominant products sometimes become de facto standards, in that they become generally accepted as standards without any formal process of recognition. Some formal standards, like many aspects of the SQL-92 and SQL:1999 standards, are anticipatory standards that lead the marketplace; they define features that vendors then implement in products. In other cases, the standards, or parts of the standards, are reactionary standards, in that they attempt to standardize features that some vendors have already implemented, and that may even have be- come de facto standards. SQL-89 was in many ways reactionary, since it standardized features, such as integrity checking, that were already present in the IBM SAA SQL standard and in other databases.
Formal standards committees are typically composed of representatives of the vendors, and members from user groups and standards organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), or professional bodies, such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Formal standards committees meet periodically, and members present proposals for features to be added to or modified in the standard.
After a (usually extended) period of discussion, modifications to the proposal, and public review, members vote on whether to accept or reject a feature. Some time after a standard has been defined and implemented, its shortcomings become clear, and new requirements become apparent. The process of updating the standard then be- gins, and a new version of the standard is usually released after a few years. This cycle usually repeats every few years, until eventually (perhaps many years later) the standard becomes technologically irrelevant, or loses its user base.
The DBTG CODASYL standard for network databases, formulated by the Database Task Group, was one of the early formal standards for databases. IBM database products used to establish de facto standards, since IBM commanded much of the database market. With the growth of relational databases came a number of new entrants in the database business; hence, the need for formal standards arose. In recent years, Microsoft has created a number of specifications that also have become de facto standards. A notable example is ODBC, which is now used in non-Microsoft environments. JDBC, whose specification was created by Sun Microsystems, is another widely used de facto standard.
This section give a very high level overview of different standards, concentrating on the goals of the standard. The bibliographical notes at the end of the chapter pro- vide references to detailed descriptions of the standards mentioned in this section.
SQL Standards
Since SQL is the most widely used query language, much work has been done on standardizing it. ANSI and ISO, with the various database vendors, have played a leading role in this work. The SQL-86 standard was the initial version. The IBM Systems Application Architecture (SAA) standard for SQL was released in 1987. As people identified the need for more features, updated versions of the formal SQL standard were developed, called SQL-89 and SQL-92.
The latest version of the SQL standard, called SQL:1999, adds a variety of features to SQL. We have seen many of these features in earlier chapters, and will see a few in later chapters. The standard is broken into several parts:
• SQL/Framework (Part 1) provides an overview of the standard.
• SQL/Foundation (Part 2) defines the basics of the standard: types, schemas, tables, views, query and update statements, expressions, security model, predicates, assignment rules, transaction management and so on.
• SQL/CLI (Call Level Interface) (Part 3) defines application program interfaces to SQL.
• SQL/PSM (Persistent Stored Modules) (Part 4) defines extensions to SQL to make it procedural.
• SQL/Bindings (Part 5) defines standards for embedded SQL for different embedding languages.
The SQL:1999 OLAP features (Section 22.2.3) have been specified as an amendment to the earlier version of the SQL:1999 standard. There are several other parts under development, including
• Part 7: SQL/Temporal deals with standards for temporal data.
• Part 9: SQL/MED (Management of External Data) defines standards for interfacing an SQL system to external sources. By writing wrappers, system de- signers can treat external data sources, such as files or data in nonrelational databases, as if they were “foreign” tables.
• Part 10: SQL/OLB (Object Language Bindings) defines standards for embed- ding SQL in Java.
The missing numbers (Parts 6 and 8) cover features such as distributed transaction processing and multimedia data, for which there is as yet no agreement on the standards. The multimedia standards propose to cover storage and retrieval of text data, spatial data, and still images.
Database Connectivity Standards
The ODBC standard is a widely used standard for communication between client applications and database systems. ODBC is based on the SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) standards developed by the X/Open industry consortium and the SQL Access Group, but has several extensions. The ODBC API defines a CLI, an SQL syntax definition, and rules about permissible sequences of CLI calls. The standard also defines conformance levels for the CLI and the SQL syntax. For example, the core level of the CLI has commands to connect to a database, to prepare and execute SQL statements, to get back results or status values and to manage transactions. The next level of conformance (level 1) requires support for catalog information retrieval and some other features over and above the core-level CLI; level 2 requires further features, such as ability to send and retrieve arrays of parameter values and to retrieve more detailed catalog information.
ODBC allows a client to connect simultaneously to multiple data sources and to switch among them, but transactions on each are independent; ODBC does not sup- port two-phase commit.
A distributed system provides a more general environment than a client – server system. The X/Open consortium has also developed the X/Open XA standards for interoperation of databases. These standards define transaction-management primitives (such as transaction begin, commit, abort, and prepare-to-commit) that compliant databases should provide; a transaction manager can invoke these primitives to implement distributed transactions by two-phase commit. The XA standards are independent of the data model and of the specific interfaces between clients and databases to exchange data. Thus, we can use the XA protocols to implement a distributed transaction system in which a single transaction can access relational as well as object-oriented databases, yet the transaction manager ensures global consistency via two-phase commit.
There are many data sources that are not relational databases, and in fact may not be databases at all. Examples are flat files and email stores. Microsoft’s OLE-DB is a C++ API with goals similar to ODBC, but for nondatabase data sources that may provide only limited querying and update facilities. Just like ODBC, OLE-DB provides constructs for connecting to a data source, starting a session, executing commands, and getting back results in the form of a rowset, which is a set of result rows.
However, OLE-DB differes from ODBC in several ways. To support data sources with limited feature support, features in OLE-DB are divided into a number of inter- faces, and a data source may implement only a subset of the interfaces. An OLE-DB program can negotiate with a data source to find what interfaces are supported. In ODBC commands are always in SQL. In OLE-DB, commands may be in any language supported by the data source; while some sources may support SQL, or a limited subset of SQL, other sources may provide only simple capabilities such as accessing data in a flat file, without any query capability. Another major difference of OLE-DB from ODBC is that a rowset is an object that can be shared by multiple applications through shared memory. A rowset object can be updated by one application, and other applications sharing that object would get notified about the change.
The Active Data Objects (ADO) API, also created by Microsoft, provides an easyto-use interface to the OLE-DB functionality, which can be called from scripting languages, such as VBScript and JScript.
Object Database Standards
Standards in the area of object-oriented databases have so far been driven primarily by OODB vendors. The Object Database Management Group (ODMG) is a group formed by OODB vendors to standardize the data model and language interfaces to OODBs. The C++ language interface specified by ODMG was discussed in Chapter 8. The ODMG has also specified a Java interface and a Smalltalk interface.
The Object Management Group (OMG) is a consortium of companies, formed with the objective of developing a standard architecture for distributed software applications based on the object-oriented model. OMG brought out the Object Management Architecture (OMA) reference model. The Object Request Broker (ORB) is a component
of the OMA architecture that provides message dispatch to distributed objects transparently, so the physical location of the object is not important. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) provides a detailed specification of the ORB, and includes an Interface Description Language (IDL), which is used to define the data types used for data interchange. The IDL helps to support data conversion when data are shipped between systems with different data representations.
XML-Based Standards
A wide variety of standards based on XML (see Chapter 10) have been defined for a wide variety of applications. Many of these standards are related to e-commerce. They include standards promulgated by nonprofit consortia and corporate-backed efforts to create defacto standards. Rosetta Net, which falls into the former category, uses XML-based standards to facilitate supply-chain management in the computer and information technology industries. Companies such as Commerce One provide Web-based procurement systems, supply-chain management, and electonic market- places (including online auctions). BizTalk is a framework of XML schemas and guide- lines, backed by Microsoft. These and other frameworks define catalogs, service descriptions, invoices, purchase orders, order status requests, shipping bills, and related items.
Participants in electronic marketplaces may store data in a variety of database systems. These systems may use different data models, data formats, and data types. Furthermore, there may be semantic differences (metric versus English measure, distinct monetary currencies, and so forth) in the data. Standards for electronic market- places include methods for wrapping each of these heterogeneous systems with an XML schema. These XML wrappers form the basis of a unified view of data across all of the participants in the marketplace.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a remote procedure call standard that uses XML to encode data (both parameters and results), and uses HTTP as the transport protocol; that is, a procedure call becomes an HTTP request. SOAP is backed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and is gaining wide acceptance in industry (including IBM and Microsoft). SOAP can be used in a variety of applications. For instance, in business-to-business e-commerce, applications running at one site can access data from other sites through SOAP. Microsoft has defined standards for accessing OLAP and mining data with SOAP. (OLAP and data mining are covered in Chapter 22.)
The W3C standard query language for XML is called XQuery. As of early 2001 the standard was in working draft stage, and should be finalized by the end of the year.
Earlier XML query languages include Quilt (on which XQuery is based), XML-QL,
E- commerce refers to the process of carrying out various activities related to commerce, through electronic means, primarily through the internet. The types of activities include:
• Presale activities, needed to inform the potential buyer about the product or service being sold.
• The sale process, which includes negotiations on price and quality of service, and other contractual matters.
• The marketplace: When there are multiple sellers and buyers for a product, a marketplace, such as a stock exchange, helps in negotiating the price to be paid for the product. Auctions are used when there is a single seller and multiple buyers, and reverse auctions are used when there is a single buyer and multiple sellers.
• Payment for the sale.
• Activities related to delivery of the product or service. Some products and services can be delivered over the internet; for others the internet is used only for providing shipping information and for tracking shipments of products.
• Customer support and postsale service.
Databases are used extensively to support these activities. For some of the activities the use of databases is straightforward, but there are interesting application development issues for the other activities.
Any e-commerce site provides users with a catalog of the products and services that the site supplies. The services provided by an e-catalog may vary considerably.
At the minimum, an e-catalog must provide browsing and search facilities to help customers find the product they are looking for. To help with browsing, products should be organized into an intuitive hierarchy, so a few clicks on hyperlinks can lead a customer to the products they are interested in. Keywords provided by the customer (for example, “digital camera” or “computer”) should speed up the process of finding required products. E-catalogs should also provide a means for customers to easily compare alternatives from which to choose among competing products.
E-catalogs can be customized for the customer. For instance, a retailer may have an agreement with a large company to supply some products at a discount. An employee of the company, viewing the catalog to purchase products for the company, should see prices as per the negotiated discount, instead of the regular prices. Be-cause of legal restrictions on sales of some types of items, customers who are under- age, or from certain states or countries, should not be shown items that cannot be legally sold to them. Catalogs can also be personalized to individual users, on the basis of past buying history. For instance, frequent customers may be offered special discounts on some items.
Supporting such customization requires customer information as well as special pricing/discount information and sales restriction information to be stored in a database. There are also challenges in supporting very high transaction rates, which are often tackled by caching of query results or generated Web pages.
When there are multiple sellers or multiple buyers (or both) for a product, a market- place helps in negotiating the price to be paid for the product. There are several different types of marketplaces:
• In a reverse auction system a buyer states requirements, and sellers bid for supplying the item. The supplier quoting the lowest price wins. In a closed bidding system, the bids are not made public, whereas in an open bidding system the bids are made public.
• In an auction there are multiple buyers and a single seller. For simplicity, assume that there is only one instance of each item being sold. Buyers bid for the items being sold, and the highest bidder for an item gets to buy the item at the bid price.
When there are multiple copies of an item, things become more complicated: Suppose there are four items, and one bidder may want three copies for $10 each, while another wants two copies for $13 each. It is not possible to satisfy both bids. If the items will be of no value if they are not sold (for instance, airline seats, which must be sold before the plane leaves), the seller simply picks a set of bids that maximizes the income. Otherwise the decision is more complicated.
• In an exchange, such as a stock exchange, there are multiple sellers and multiple buyers. Buyers can specify the maximum price they are willing to pay, while sellers specify the minimum price they want. There is usually a market maker who matches buy and sell bids, deciding on the price for each trade (for instance, at the price of the sell bid).
There are other more complex types of marketplaces.
Among the database issues in handling marketplaces are these:
• Bidders need to be authenticated before they are allowed to bid.
• Bids (buy or sell) need to be recorded securely in a database. Bids need to be communicated quickly to other people involved in the marketplace (such as all the buyers or all the sellers), who may be numerous.
• Delays in broadcasting bids can lead to financial losses to some participants.
• The volumes of trades may be extremely large at times of stock market volatility, or toward the end of auctions. Thus, very high performance databases with large degrees of parallelism are used for such systems.
Order Settlement
After items have been selected (perhaps through an electronic catalog), and the price determined (perhaps by an electronic marketplace), the order has to be settled. Settlement involves payment for goods and the delivery of the goods.
A simple but unsecure way of paying electronically is to send a credit card number. There are two major problems. First, credit card fraud is possible. When a buyer pays for physical goods, companies can ensure that the address for delivery matches the card holder’s address, so no one else can receive the goods, but for goods delivered electronically no such check is possible. Second, the seller has to be trusted to bill only for the agreed-on item and to not pass on the card number to unauthorized people who may misuse it.
Several protocols are available for secure payments that avoid both the problems listed above. In addition, they provide for better privacy, whereby the seller may not be given any unnecessary details about the buyer, and the credit card company is not provided any unnecessary information about the items purchased. All information transmitted must be encrypted so that anyone intercepting the data on the network cannot find out the contents. Public/private key encryption is widely used for this task.
The protocols must also prevent person-in-the-middle attacks, where someone can impersonate the bank or credit-card company, or even the seller, or buyer, and steal secret information. Impersonation can be perpetrated by passing off a fake key as someone else’s public key (the bank’s or credit-card company’s, or the merchant’s or the buyer’s). Impersonation is prevented by a system of digital certificates, where- by public keys are signed by a certification agency, whose public key is well known (or which in turn has its public key certified by another certification agency and so on up to a key that is well known). From the well-known public key, the system can authenticate the other keys by checking the certificates in reverse sequence.
The Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol is one such secure payment protocol. The protocol requires several rounds of communication between the buyer, seller, and the bank, in order to guarantee safety of the transaction.
There are also systems that provide for greater anonymity, similar to that pro- vided by physical cash. The Digi Cash payment system is one such system. When a payment is made in such a system, it is not possible to identify the purchaser. In contrast, identifying purchasers is very easy with credit cards, and even in the case of SET, it is possible to identify the purchaser with the cooperation of the credit card company or bank.
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