Storage and File Structure:RAID


The data storage requirements of some applications (in particular Web, database, and multimedia data applications) have been growing so fast that a large number of disks are needed to store data for such applications, even though disk drive capacities have been growing very fast.

Having a large number of disks in a system presents opportunities for improving the rate at which data can be read or written, if the disks are operated in parallel. Parallelism can also be used to perform several independent reads or writes in parallel. Furthermore, this setup offers the potential for improving the reliability of data storage, because redundant information can be stored on multiple disks. Thus, failure of one disk does not lead to loss of data.

A variety of disk-organization techniques, collectively called redundant arrays of independent disks (RAID), have been proposed to achieve improved performance and reliability.

In the past, system designers viewed storage systems composed of several small cheap disks as a cost-effective alternative to using large, expensive disks; the cost per megabyte of the smaller disks was less than that of larger disks. In fact, the I in RAID, which now stands for independent, originally stood for inexpensive. Today, however, all disks are physically small, and larger-capacity disks actually have a lower cost per megabyte. RAID systems are used for their higher reliability and higher performance rate, rather than for economic reasons.

Improvement of Reliability via Redundancy

Let us first consider reliability. The chance that some disk out of a set of N disks will fail is much higher than the chance that a specific single disk will fail. Suppose that the mean time to failure of a disk is 100,000 hours, or slightly over 11 years. Then, the mean time to failure of some disk in an array of 100 disks will be 100,000 / 100 = 1000 hours, or around 42 days, which is not long at all! If we store only one copy of the data, then each disk failure will result in loss of a significant amount of data (as discussed in Section 11.2.1). Such a high rate of data loss is unacceptable.

The solution to the problem of reliability is to introduce redundancy; that is, we store extra information that is not needed normally, but that can be used in the event of failure of a disk to rebuild the lost information. Thus, even if a disk fails, data are not lost, so the effective mean time to failure is increased, provided that we count only failures that lead to loss of data or to nonavailability of data.

The simplest (but most expensive) approach to introducing redundancy is to duplicate every disk. This technique is called mirroring (or, sometimes, shadowing). A logical disk then consists of two physical disks, and every write is carried out on both disks. If one of the disks fails, the data can be read from the other. Data will be lost only if the second disk fails before the first failed disk is repaired.

The mean time to failure (where failure is the loss of data) of a mirrored disk depends on the mean time to failure of the individual disks, as well as on the mean time to repair, which is the time it takes (on an average) to replace a failed disk and to restore the data on it. Suppose that the failures of the two disks are independent; that is, there is no connection between the failure of one disk and the failure of the other. Then, if the mean time to failure of a single disk is 100,000 hours, and the mean time to repair is 10 hours, then the mean time to data loss of a mirrored disk system is 1000002/(2 10) = 500 106 hours, or 57,000 years! (We do not go into the derivations here; references in the bibliographical notes provide the details.)

You should be aware that the assumption of independence of disk failures is not valid. Power failures, and natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and floods, may result in damage to both disks at the same time. As disks age, the probability of failure increases, increasing the chance that a second disk will fail while the first is being repaired. In spite of all these considerations, however, mirrored-disk systems offer much higher reliability than do single-disk systems. Mirrored-disk systems with mean time to data loss of about 500,000 to 1,000,000 hours, or 55 to 110 years, are available today.

Power failures are a particular source of concern, since they occur far more frequently than do natural disasters. Power failures are not a concern if there is no data transfer to disk in progress when they occur. However, even with mirroring of disks, if writes are in progress to the same block in both disks, and power fails before both blocks are fully written, the two blocks can be in an inconsistent state. The solution to this problem is to write one copy first, then the next, so that one of the two copies is always consistent. Some extra actions are required when we restart after a power failure, to recover from incomplete writes. This matter is examined in Exercise 11.4.

Improvement in Performance via Parallelism

Now let us consider the benefit of parallel access to multiple disks. With disk mirror- ing, the rate at which read requests can be handled is doubled, since read requests can be sent to either disk (as long as both disks in a pair are functional, as is almost always the case). The transfer rate of each read is the same as in a single-disk system, but the number of reads per unit time has doubled.

With multiple disks, we can improve the transfer rate as well (or instead) by striping data across multiple disks. In its simplest form, data striping consists of splitting the bits of each byte across multiple disks; such striping is called bit-level striping. For example, if we have an array of eight disks, we write bit i of each byte to disk

i. The array of eight disks can be treated as a single disk with sectors that are eight times the normal size, and, more important, that has eight times the transfer rate. In such an organization, every disk participates in every access (read or write), so the number of accesses that can be processed per second is about the same as on a sin- gle disk, but each access can read eight times as many data in the same time as on a single disk. Bit-level striping can be generalized to a number of disks that either is a multiple of 8 or a factor of 8. For example, if we use an array of four disks, bits i and 4+ i of each byte go to disk i.

Block-level striping stripes blocks across multiple disks. It treats the array of disks as a single large disk, and it gives blocks logical numbers; we assume the block numbers start from 0. With an array of n disks, block-level striping assigns logical block i

of the disk array to disk (i mod n)+ 1; it uses the li/nJth physical block of the disk to store logical block i. For example, with 8 disks, logical block 0 is stored in physical block 0 of disk 1, while logical block 11 is stored in physical block 1 of disk 4. When reading a large file, block-level striping fetches n blocks at a time in parallel from the n disks, giving a high data transfer rate for large reads. When a single block is read, the data transfer rate is the same as on one disk, but the remaining n 1 disks are free to perform other actions.

Block level striping is the most commonly used form of data striping. Other levels of striping, such as bytes of a sector or sectors of a block also are possible.

In summary, there are two main goals of parallelism in a disk system:

1. Load-balance multiple small accesses (block accesses), so that the throughput of such accesses increases.

2. Parallelize large accesses so that the response time of large accesses is reduced.

RAID Levels

Mirroring provides high reliability, but it is expensive. Striping provides high data- transfer rates, but does not improve reliability. Various alternative schemes aim to provide redundancy at lower cost by combining disk striping with “parity” bits (which we describe next). These schemes have different cost – performance trade-offs. The schemes are classified into RAID levels, as in Figure 11.4. (In the figure, P indicates error-correcting bits, and C indicates a second copy of the data.) For all levels, the figure depicts four disk’s worth of data, and the extra disks depicted are used to store redundant information for failure recovery.

RAID level 0 refers to disk arrays with striping at the level of blocks, but without any redundancy (such as mirroring or parity bits). Figure 11.4a shows an array of size 4.

RAID level 1 refers to disk mirroring with block striping. Figure 11.4b shows a mirrored organization that holds four disks worth of data.

RAID level 2, known as memory-style error-correcting-code (ECC) organization, employs parity bits. Memory systems have long used parity bits for error detection and correction. Each byte in a memory system may have a parity bit associated with it that records whether the numbers of bits in the byte that are set to 1 is even (parity = 0) or odd (parity = 1). If one of the bits in the byte gets damaged (either a 1 becomes a 0, or a 0 becomes a 1), the parity of the byte changes and thus will not match the stored parity. Similarly, if the stored parity bit gets damaged, it will not match the computed parity. Thus, all 1-bit errors will be detected by the memory system. Error-correcting schemes store 2 or more extra bits, and can reconstruct the data if a single bit gets damaged.

The idea of error-correcting codes can be used directly in disk arrays by striping bytes across disks. For example, the first bit of each byte could be stored in disk 1, the second bit in disk 2, and so on until the eighth bit is stored in disk 8, and the error-correction bits are stored in further disks.

Figure 11.4c shows the level 2 scheme. The disks labeled P store the error- correction bits. If one of the disks fails, the remaining bits of the byte and the associated error-correction bits can be read from other disks, and can be used to reconstruct the damaged data. Figure 11.4c shows an array of size 4; note RAID level 2 requires only three disks’ overhead for four disks of data, unlike RAID level 1, which required four disks’ overhead.


RAID level 3, bit-interleaved parity organization, improves on level 2 by exploiting the fact that disk controllers, unlike memory systems, can detect whether a sector has been read correctly, so a single parity bit can be used for error correction, as well as for detection. The idea is as follows. If one of the sectors gets damaged, the system knows exactly which sector it is, and, for each bit in the sector, the system can figure out whether it is a 1 or a 0 by computing the parity of the corresponding bits from sectors in the other disks. If the parity of the remaining bits is equal to the stored parity, the missing bit is 0; otherwise, it is 1.

RAID level 3 is as good as level 2, but is less expensive in the number of extra disks (it has only a one-disk overhead), so level 2 is not used in practice. Figure 11.4d shows the level 3 scheme.

RAID level 3 has two benefits over level 1. It needs only one parity disk for several regular disks, whereas Level 1 needs one mirror disk for every disk, and thus reduces the storage overhead. Since reads and writes of a byte are spread out over multiple disks, with N -way striping of data, the transfer rate for reading or writing a single block is N times faster than a RAID level 1 organization using N -way striping. On the other hand, RAID level 3 supports a lower number of I/O operations per second, since every disk has to participate in every I/O request.

RAID level 4, block-interleaved parity organization, uses block level striping, like RAID 0, and in addition keeps a parity block on a separate disk for corresponding blocks from N other disks. This scheme is shown pictorially in Figure 11.4e. If one of the disks fails, the parity block can be used with the corresponding blocks from the other disks to restore the blocks of the failed disk.

A block read accesses only one disk, allowing other requests to be processed by the other disks. Thus, the data-transfer rate for each access is slower, but multiple read accesses can proceed in parallel, leading to a higher overall I/O rate. The transfer rates for large reads is high, since all the disks can be read in parallel; large writes also have high transfer rates, since the data and parity can be written in parallel.

Small independent writes, on the other hand, cannot be performed in parallel. A write of a block has to access the disk on which the block is stored, as well as the parity disk, since the parity block has to be updated. Moreover, both the old value of the parity block and the old value of the block being written have to be read for the new parity to be computed. Thus, a single write requires four disk accesses: two to read the two old blocks, and two to write the two blocks.

RAID level 5, block-interleaved distributed parity, improves on level 4 by partitioning data and parity among all N +1 disks, instead of storing data in N disks and parity in one disk. In level 5, all disks can participate in satisfying read requests, unlike RAID level 4, where the parity disk cannot participate, so level 5 increases the total number of requests that can be met in a given amount of time. For each set of N logical blocks, one of the disks stores the parity, and the other N disks store the blocks.

Figure 11.4f shows the setup. The P ’s are distributed across all the disks. For example, with an array of 5 disks, the parity block, labelled P k, for logical blocks 4k, 4k + 1, 4k + 2, 4k +3 is stored in disk (k mod 5) + 1; the corresponding blocks of the other four disks store the 4 data blocks 4k to 4k + 3. The following table indicates how the first 20 blocks, numbered 0 to 19, and their parity blocks are laid out. The pattern shown gets repeated on further blocks.


Note that a parity block cannot store parity for blocks in the same disk, since then a disk failure would result in loss of data as well as of parity, and hence would not be recoverable. Level 5 subsumes level 4, since it offers better read – write performance at the same cost, so level 4 is not used in practice.

RAID level 6, the P + Q redundancy scheme, is much like RAID level 5, but stores extra redundant information to guard against multiple disk failures. Instead of using parity, level 6 uses error-correcting codes such as the Reed – Solomon codes (see the bibliographical notes). In the scheme in Figure 11.4g, 2 bits of redundant data are stored for every 4 bits of data — unlike 1 parity bit in level 5 — and the system can tolerate two disk failures.

Finally, we note that several variations have been proposed to the basic RAID schemes described here.

Some vendors use their own terminology to describe their RAID implementations.2 However, the terminology we have presented is the most widely used.

Choice of RAID Level

The factors to be taken into account when choosing a RAID level are

• Monetary cost of extra disk storage requirements

• Performance requirements in terms of number of I/O operations

• Performance when a disk has failed

• Performance during rebuild (that is, while the data in a failed disk is being rebuilt on a new disk)

The time to rebuild the data of a failed disk can be significant, and varies with the RAID level that is used. Rebuilding is easiest for RAID level 1, since data can be copied from another disk; for the other levels, we need to access all the other disks in the array to rebuild data of a failed disk. The rebuild performance of a RAID system may be an important factor if continuous availability of data is required, as it is in high-performance database systems. Furthermore, since rebuild time can form a significant part of the repair time, rebuild performance also influences the mean time to data loss.

2. For example, some products use RAID level 1 to refer to mirroring without striping, and level 1+0 or level 10 to refer to mirroring with striping. Such a distinction is not really necessary since not striping can simply be viewed as a special case of striping, namely striping across 1 disk.

RAID level 0 is used in high-performance applications where data safety is not critical. Since RAID levels 2 and 4 are subsumed by RAID levels 3 and 5, the choice of RAID levels is restricted to the remaining levels. Bit striping (level 3) is rarely used since block striping (level 5) gives as good data transfer rates for large transfers, while using fewer disks for small transfers. For small transfers, the disk access time dominates anyway, so the benefit of parallel reads diminishes. In fact, level 3 may perform worse than level 5 for a small transfer, since the transfer completes only when corresponding sectors on all disks have been fetched; the average latency for the disk array thus becomes very close to the worst-case latency for a single disk, negating the benefits of higher transfer rates. Level 6 is not supported currently by many RAID implementations, but it offers better reliability than level 5 and can be used in applications where data safety is very important.

The choice between RAID level 1 and level 5 is harder to make. RAID level 1 is popular for applications such as storage of log files in a database system, since it  offers the best write performance. RAID level 5 has a lower storage overhead than level 1, but has a higher time overhead for writes. For applications where data are read frequently, and written rarely, level 5 is the preferred choice.

Disk storage capacities have been growing at a rate of over 50 percent per year for many years, and the cost per byte has been falling at the same rate. As a result, for many existing database applications with moderate storage requirements, the monetary cost of the extra disk storage needed for mirroring has become relatively small (the extra monetary cost, however, remains a significant issue for storage-intensive applications such as video data storage). Access speeds have improved at a much slower rate (around a factor of 3 over 10 years), while the number of I/O operations required per second has increased tremendously, particularly for Web application servers.

RAID level 5, which increases the number of I/O operations needed to write a single logical block, pays a significant time penalty in terms of write performance.

RAID level 1 is therefore the RAID level of choice for many applications with moderate storage requirements, and high I/O requirements.

RAID system designers have to make several other decisions as well. For example, how many disks should there be in an array? How many bits should be protected by each parity bit? If there are more disks in an array, data-transfer rates are higher, but the system would be more expensive. If there are more bits protected by a parity bit, the space overhead due to parity bits is lower, but there is an increased chance that a second disk will fail before the first failed disk is repaired, and that will result in data loss.

Hardware Issues

Another issue in the choice of RAID implementations is at the level of hardware. RAID can be implemented with no change at the hardware level, using only software modification. Such RAID implementations are called software RAID. However, there are significant benefits to be had by building special-purpose hardware to support RAID, which we outline below; systems with special hardware support are called hardware RAID systems.

Hardware RAID implementations can use nonvolatile RAM to record writes that need to be executed; in case of power failure before a write is completed, when the system comes back up, it retrieves information about incomplete writes from non- volatile RAM and then completes the writes. Without such hardware support, extra work needs to be done to detect blocks that may have been partially written before power failure (see Exercise 11.4).

Some hardware RAID implementations permit hot swapping; that is, faulty disks can be removed and replaced by new ones without turning power off. Hot swapping reduces the mean time to repair, since replacement of a disk does not have to wait until a time when the system can be shut down. In fact many critical systems today

run on a 24 × 7 schedule; that is, they run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing no time for shutting down and replacing a failed disk. Further, many RAID implementations assign a spare disk for each array (or for a set of disk arrays). If a disk fails, the spare disk is immediately used as a replacement. As a result, the mean time to repair is reduced greatly, minimizing the chance of any data loss. The failed disk can be replaced at leisure.

The power supply, or the disk controller, or even the system interconnection in a RAID system could become a single point of failure, that could stop functioning of the RAID system. To avoid this possibility, good RAID implementations have multiple redundant power supplies (with battery backups so they continue to function even if power fails). Such RAID systems have multiple disk controllers, and multiple interconnections to connect them to the computer system (or to a network of computer systems). Thus, failure of any single component will not stop the functioning of the RAID system.

Other RAID Applications

The concepts of RAID have been generalized to other storage devices, including ar- rays of tapes, and even to the broadcast of data over wireless systems. When applied to arrays of tapes, the RAID structures are able to recover data even if one of the tapes in an array of tapes is damaged. When applied to broadcast of data, a block of data is split into short units and is broadcast along with a parity unit; if one of the units is not received for any reason, it can be reconstructed from the other units.


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