Application Development and Administration:Performance Tuning

Performance Tuning

Tuning the performance of a system involves adjusting various parameters and de- sign choices to improve its performance for a specific application. Various aspects of a database-system design — ranging from high-level aspects such as the schema and transaction design, to database parameters such as buffer sizes, down to hardware issues such as number of disks — affect the performance of an application. Each of these aspects can be adjusted so that performance is improved.

Location of Bottlenecks

The performance of most systems (at least before they are tuned) is usually limited primarily by the performance of one or a few components, called bottlenecks. For instance, a program may spend 80 percent of its time in a small loop deep in the code, and the remaining 20 percent of the time on the rest of the code; the small loop then is a bottleneck. Improving the performance of a component that is not a bottleneck does little to improve the overall speed of the system; in the example, improving the speed of the rest of the code cannot lead to more than a 20 percent improvement overall, whereas improving the speed of the bottleneck loop could result in an improvement of nearly 80 percent overall, in the best case.

Hence, when tuning a system, we must first try to discover what are the bottle- necks, and then to eliminate the bottlenecks by improving the performance of the components causing them. When one bottleneck is removed, it may turn out that another component becomes the bottleneck. In a well-balanced system, no single component is the bottleneck. If the system contains bottlenecks, components that are not part of the bottleneck are underutilized, and could perhaps have been replaced by cheaper components with lower performance.

For simple programs, the time spent in each region of the code determines the overall execution time. However, database systems are much more complex, and can be modeled as queueing systems. A transaction requests various services from the database system, starting from entry into a server process, disk reads during exe- cution, CPU cycles, and locks for concurrency control. Each of these services has a queue associated with it, and small transactions may spend most of their time waiting in queues — especially in disk I/O queues — instead of executing code. Figure 21.6 illustrates some of the queues in a database system.

As a result of the numerous queues in the database, bottlenecks in a database sys- tem typically show up in the form of long queues for a particular service, or, equivalently, in high utilizations for a particular service. If requests are spaced exactly uniformly, and the time to service a request is less than or equal to the time before the next request arrives, then each request will find the resource idle and can therefore start execution immediately without waiting. Unfortunately, the arrival of requests in a database system is never so uniform, and is instead random.

If a resource, such as a disk, has a low utilization, then, when a request is made, the resource is likely to be idle, in which case the waiting time for the request will be 0. Assuming uniformly randomly distributed arrivals, the length of the queue (and correspondingly the waiting time) go up exponentially with utilization; as utilization approaches 100 percent, the queue length increases sharply, resulting in excessively long waiting times. The utilization of a resource should be kept low enough that queue length is short. As a rule of the thumb, utilizations of around 70 percent are considered to be good, and utilizations above 90 percent are considered excessive, since they will result in significant delays. To learn more about the theory of queueing systems, generally referred to as queueing theory, you can consult the references cited in the bibliographical notes.


Tunable Parameters

Database administrators can tune a database system at three levels. The lowest level is at the hardware level. Options for tuning systems at this level include adding disks or using a RAID system if disk I/O is a bottleneck, adding more memory if the disk buffer size is a bottleneck, or moving to a faster processor if CPU use is a bottleneck.

The second level consists of the database-system parameters, such as buffer size and check pointing intervals. The exact set of database-system parameters that can be tuned depends on the specific database system. Most database-system manuals pro- vide information on what database-system parameters can be adjusted, and how you should choose values for the parameters. Well-designed database systems perform as much tuning as possible automatically, freeing the user or database administrator from the burden. For instance, in many database systems the buffer size is fixed but tunable. If the system automatically adjusts the buffer size by observing indicators such as page-fault rates, then the user will not have to worry about tuning the buffer size.

The third level is the highest level. It includes the schema and transactions. The administrator can tune the design of the schema, the indices that are created, and the transactions that are executed, to improve performance. Tuning at this level is comparatively system independent.

The three levels of tuning interact with one another; we must consider them together when tuning a system. For example, tuning at a higher level may result in the hardware bottleneck changing from the disk system to the CPU, or vice versa.

Tuning of Hardware

Even in a well-designed transaction processing system, each transaction usually has to do at least a few I/O operations, if the data required by the transaction is on disk. An important factor in tuning a transaction processing system is to make sure that the disk subsystem can handle the rate at which I/O operations are required. For in- stance, disks today have an access time of about 10 milliseconds, and transfer times of 20 MB per second, which gives about 100 random access I/O operations of 1 KB each. If each transaction requires just 2 I/O operations, a single disk would support at most 50 transactions per second. The only way to support more transactions per second is to increase the number of disks. If the system needs to support n transactions per second, each performing 2 I/O operations, data must be striped (or otherwise partitioned) across n/50 disks (ignoring skew).

Notice here that the limiting factor is not the capacity of the disk, but the speed at which random data can be accessed (limited in turn by the speed at which the disk arm can move). The number of I/O operations per transaction can be reduced by storing more data in memory. If all data are in memory, there will be no disk I/O except for writes. Keeping frequently used data in memory reduces the number of disk I/Os, and is worth the extra cost of memory. Keeping very infrequently used data in memory would be a waste, since memory is much more expensive than disk.

The question is, for a given amount of money available for spending on disks or memory, what is the best way to spend the money to achieve maximum number of transactions per second. A reduction of 1 I/O per second saves (price per disk drive) / (access per second per disk). Thus, if a particular page is accessed n times per second, the saving due to keeping it in memory is n times the above value. Storing a page in memory costs (price per MB of memory) / (pages per MB of memory). Thus, the break-even point is


We can rearrange the equation, and substitute current values for each of the above parameters to get a value for n; if a page is accessed more frequently than this, it is worth buying enough memory to store it. Current disk technology and memory and disk prices give a value of n around 1/300 times per second (or equivalently, once in 5 minutes) for pages that are randomly accessed.

This reasoning is captured by the rule of thumb called the 5-minute rule: Ifa page is used more frequently than once in 5 minutes, it should be cached in memory. In other words, it is worth buying enough memory to cache all pages that are accessed at least once in 5 minutes on an average. For data that are accessed less frequently, buy enough disks to support the rate of I/O required for the data.

The formula for finding the break-even point depends on factors, such as the costs of disks and memory, that have changed by factors of 100 or 1000 over the past decade. However, it is interesting to note that the ratios of the changes have been such that the break-even point has remained at roughly 5 minutes; the 5-minute rule has not changed to say, a 1-hour rule or a 1-second rule! For data that are sequentially accessed, significantly more pages can be read per second. Assuming 1 MB of data is read at a time, we get the 1-minute rule, which says that sequentially accessed data should be cached in memory if they are used at least once in 1 minute.

The rules of thumb take only number of I/O operations into account, and do not consider factors such as response time. Some applications need to keep even infrequently used data in memory, to support response times that are less than or comparable to disk access time.

Another aspect of tuning is in whether to use RAID 1 or RAID 5. The answer de-pends on how frequently the data are updated, since RAID 5 is much slower than RAID 1 on random writes: RAID 5 requires 2 reads and 2 writes to execute a single random write request. If an application performs r random reads and w random writes per second to support a particular throughput, a RAID 5 implementation would require r + 4w I/O operations per second whereas a RAID 1 implementation would require r + w I/O operations per second. We can then calculate the number of disks required to support the required I/O operations per second by dividing the result of the calculation by 100 I/O operations per second (for current generation disks). For many applications, r and w are large enough that the (r + w)/100 disks can easily hold two copies of all the data. For such applications, if RAID 1 is used, the required number of disks is actually less than the required number of disks if RAID 5 is used! Thus RAID 5 is useful only when the data storage requirements are very large, but the I/O rates and data transfer requirements are small, that is, for very large and very “cold” data.

Tuning of the Schema

Within the constraints of the chosen normal form, it is possible to partition relations vertically. For example, consider the account relation, with the schema

account (account-number, branch-name, balance)

for which account-number is a key. Within the constraints of the normal forms (BCNF and third normal forms), we can partition the account relation into two relations:

account-branch (account-number, branch-name) account-balance (account-number, balance)

The two representations are logically equivalent, since account-number is a key, but they have different performance characteristics.

If most accesses to account information look at only the account-number and balance, then they can be run against the account-balance relation, and access is likely to be somewhat faster, since the branch-name attribute is not fetched. For the same reason, more tuples of account-balance will fit in the buffer than corresponding tuples of account, again leading to faster performance. This effect would be particularly marked if the branch-name attribute were large. Hence, a schema consisting of account-branch and account-balance would be preferable to a schema consisting of the account relation in this case.

On the other hand, if most accesses to account information require both balance and branch-name, using the account relation would be preferable, since the cost of the join of account-balance and account-branch would be avoided. Also, the storage overhead would be lower, since there would be only one relation, and the attribute account- number would not be replicated.

Another trick to improve performance is to store a denormalized relation, such as a join of account and depositor, where the information about branch-names and balances is repeated for every account holder. More effort has to be expended to make sure the relation is consistent whenever an update is carried out. However, a query that fetches the names of the customers and the associated balances will be speeded up, since the join of account and depositor will have been precomputed. If such a query is executed frequently, and has to be performed as efficiently as possible, the denormalized relation could be beneficial.

Materialized views can provide the benefits that denormalized relations provide, at the cost of some extra storage; we describe performance tuning of materialized views in Section 21.2.6. A major advantage to materialized views over denormalized relations is that maintaining consistency of redundant data becomes the job of the database system, not the programmer. Thus, materialized views are preferable, whenever they are supported by the database system.

Another approach to speed up the computation of the join without materializing it, is to cluster records that would match in the join on the same disk page. We saw such clustered file organizations in Section 11.7.2.

Tuning of Indices

We can tune the indices in a system to improve performance. If queries are the bottle- neck, we can often speed them up by creating appropriate indices on relations. If updates are the bottleneck, there may be too many indices, which have to be updated when the relations are updated. Removing indices may speed up certain updates.

The choice of the type of index also is important. Some database systems support different kinds of indices, such as hash indices and B-tree indices. If range queries are common, B-tree indices are preferable to hash indices. Whether to make an index a clustered index is another tunable parameter. Only one index on a relation can be made clustered, by storing the relation sorted on the index attributes. Generally, the index that benefits the most number of queries and updates should be made clustered.

To help identify what indices to create, and which index (if any) on each relation should be clustered, some database systems provide tuning wizards. These tools use the past history of queries and updates (called the workload) to estimate the effects of various indices on the execution time of the queries and updates in the workload.

Recommendations on what indices to create are based on these estimates.

Using Materialized Views

Maintaining materialized views can greatly speed up certain types of queries, in particular aggregate queries. Recall the example from Section 14.5 where the total loan amount at each branch (obtained by summing the loan amounts of all loans at the branch) is required frequently. As we saw in that section, creating a materialized view storing the total loan amount for each branch can greatly speed up such queries.

Materialized views should be used with care, however, since there is not only a space overhead for storing them but, more important, there is also a time overhead  for maintaining materialized views. In the case of immediate view maintenance, if the updates of a transaction affect the materialized view, the materialized view must be updated as part of the same transaction. The transaction may therefore run slower. In the case of deferred view maintenance, the materialized view is updated later; until it is updated, the materialized view may be inconsistent with the database relations. For instance, the materialized view may be brought up-to-date when a query uses the view, or periodically. Using deferred maintenance reduces the burden on update transactions.

An important question is, how does one select which materialized views to maintain? The system administrator can make the selection manually by examining the types of queries in the workload, and finding out which queries need to run faster and which updates/queries may be executed slower. From the examination, the sys- tem administrator may choose an appropriate set of materialized views. For instance, the administrator may find that a certain aggregate is used frequently, and choose to materialize it, or may find that a particular join is computed frequently, and choose to materialize it.

However, manual choice is tedious for even moderately large sets of query types, and making a good choice may be difficult, since it requires understanding the costs of different alternatives; only the query optimizer can estimate the costs with reason- able accuracy, without actually executing the query. Thus a good set of views may only be found by trial and error — that is, by materializing one or more views, running the workload, and measuring the time taken to run the queries in the workload. The administrator repeats the process until a set of views is found that gives accept- able performance.

A better alternative is to provide support for selecting materialized views within the database system itself, integrated with the query optimizer. Some database systems, such as Microsoft SQL Server 7.5 and the Red Brick Data Warehouse from Informix, provide tools to help the database administrator with index and materialized view selection. These tools examine the workload (the history of queries and updates) and suggest indices and views to be materialized. The user may specify the importance of speeding up different queries, which the administrator takes into account when selecting views to materialize.

Microsoft’s materialized view selection tool also permits the user to ask “what if” questions, whereby the user can pick a view, and the optimizer then estimates the effect of materializing the view on the total cost of the workload and on the individual costs of different query/update types in the workload.

In fact, even automated selection techniques are implemented in a similar manner internally: Different alternatives are tried, and for each the query optimizer estimates the costs and benefits of materializing it.

Greedy heuristics for materialized view selection operate roughly this way: They estimate the benefits of materializing different views, and choose the view that gives either the maximum benefit or the maximum benefit per unit space (that is, bene- fit divided by the space required to store the view). Once the heuristic has selected a view, the benefits of other views may have changed, so the heuristic recomputes these, and chooses the next best view for materialization. The process continues until either the available disk space for storing materialized views is exhausted, or the cost of view maintenance increases above acceptable limits.

Tuning of Transactions

In this section, we study two approaches for improving transaction performance:

• Improve set orientation

• Reduce lock contention

In the past, optimizers on many database systems were not particularly good, so how a query was written would have a big influence on how it was executed, and there- fore on the performance. Today’s advanced optimizers can transform even badly written queries and execute them efficiently, so the need for tuning individual queries is less important than it used to be. However, complex queries containing nested sub- queries are not optimized very well by many optimizers. Most systems provide a mechanism to find out the exact execution plan for a query; this information can be used to rewrite the query in a form that the optimizer can deal with better.

In embedded SQL, if a query is executed frequently with different values for a parameter, it may help to combine the calls into a more set-oriented query that is executed only once. The costs of communication of SQL queries can be high in client – server systems, so combining the embedded SQL calls is particularly helpful in such systems.

For example, consider a program that steps through each department specified in a list, invoking an embedded SQL query to find the total expenses of the department by using the group by construct on a relation expenses(date, employee, department, amount). If the expenses relation does not have a clustered index on department, each such query will result in a scan of the relation. Instead, we can use a single SQL query to find total expenses of all departments; the query can be evaluated with a single scan. The relevant departments can then be looked up in this (much smaller) temporary relation containing the aggregate. Even if there is an index that permits efficient access to tuples of a given department, using multiple SQL queries can have  a highcommunication overhead in a client – server system. Communication cost can be reduced by using a single SQL query, fetching its results to the client side, and then stepping through the results to find the required tuples.

Another technique used widely in client – server systems to reduce the cost of communication and SQL compilation is to use stored procedures, where queries are stored at the server in the form of procedures, which may be precompiled. Clients can invoke these stored procedures, rather than communicate entire queries.

Concurrent execution of different types of transactions can sometimes lead to poor performance because of contention on locks. Consider, for example, a banking database. During the day, numerous small update transactions are executed almost continuously. Suppose that a large query that computes statistics on branches is run at the same time. If the query performs a scan on a relation, it may block out all updates on the relation while it runs, and that can have a disastrous effect on the performance of the system.

Some database systems — Oracle, for example — permit multiversion concurrency control, whereby queries are executed on a snapshot of the data, and updates can go on concurrently. This feature should be used if available. If it is not available, an alternative option is to execute large queries at times when updates are few or nonexistent. For databases supporting Web sites, there may be no such quiet period for updates.

Another alternative is to use weaker levels of consistency, whereby evaluation of the query has a minimal impact on concurrent updates, but the query results are not guaranteed to be consistent. The application semantics determine whether approximate (inconsistent) answers are acceptable.

Long update transactions can cause performance problems with system logs, and can increase the time taken to recover from system crashes. If a transaction performs many updates, the system log may become full even before the transaction completes, in which case the transaction will have to be rolled back. If an update transaction runs for a long time (even with few updates), it may block deletion of old parts of the log, if the logging system is not well designed. Again, this blocking could lead to the log getting filled up.

To avoid such problems, many database systems impose strict limits on the number of updates that a single transaction can carry out. Even if the system does not impose such limits, it is often helpful to break up a large update transaction into a set of smaller update transactions where possible. For example, a transaction that gives a raise to every employee in a large corporation could be split up into a series of small transactions, each of which updates a small range of employee-ids. Such trans- actions are called minibatch transactions. However, minibatch transactions must be used with care. First, if there are concurrent updates on the set of employees, the result of the set of smaller transactions may not be equivalent to that of the single large transaction. Second, if there is a failure, the salaries of some of the employees would have been increased by committed transactions, but salaries of other employ- ees would not. To avoid this problem, as soon as the system recovers from failure, we must execute the transactions remaining in the batch.

Performance Simulation

To test the performance of a database system even before it is installed, we can create a performance-simulation model of the database system. Each service shown in Figure 21.6, such as the CPU, each disk, the buffer, and the concurrency control, is modeled in the simulation. Instead of modeling details of a service, the simulation model may capture only some aspects of each service, such as the service time — that is, the time taken to finish processing a request once processing has begun. Thus, the simulation can model a disk access from just the average disk access time.

Since requests for a service generally have to wait their turn, each service has an associated queue in the simulation model. A transaction consists of a series of requests. The requests are queued up as they arrive, and are serviced according to the policy for that service, such as first come, first served. The models for services such as CPU and the disks conceptually operate in parallel, to account for the fact that these subsystems operate in parallel in a real system.

Once the simulation model for transaction processing is built, the system administrator can run a number of experiments on it. The administrator can use experiments with simulated transactions arriving at different rates to find how the system would behave under various load conditions. The administrator could run other experiments that vary the service times for each service to find out how sensitive the performance is to each of them. System parameters, too, can be varied, so that performance tuning can be done on the simulation model.


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