Summary of Advanced Transaction Processing


• Workflows are activities that involve the coordinated execution of multiple tasks performed by different processing entities. They exist not just in computer applications, but also in almost all organizational activities. With the growth of networks, and the existence of multiple autonomous database systems, workflows provide a convenient way of carrying out tasks that involve multiple systems.

• Although the usual ACID transactional requirements are too strong or are unimplementable for such workflow applications, workflows must satisfy a limited set of transactional properties that guarantee that a process is not left in an inconsistent state.

• Transaction-processing monitors were initially developed as multithreaded servers that could service large numbers of terminals from a single process. They have since evolved, and today they provide the infrastructure for building and administering complex transaction-processing systems that have a large number of clients and multiple servers. They provide services such as durable queueing of client requests and server responses, routing of client messages to servers, persistent messaging, load balancing, and coordination of two-phase commit when transactions access multiple servers.

• Large main memories are exploited in certain systems to achieve high system throughput. In such systems, logging is a bottleneck. Under the group-commit concept, the number of outputs to stable storage can be reduced, thus releasing this bottleneck.

• The efficient management of long-duration interactive transactions is more complex, because of the long-duration waits, and because of the possibility of aborts. Since the concurrency-control techniques used in Chapter 16 use waits, aborts, or both, alternative techniques must be considered. These techniques must ensure correctness without requiring serializability.

• A long-duration transaction is represented as a nested transaction with atomic database operations at the lowest level. If a transaction fails, only active short- duration transactions abort. Active long-duration transactions resume once any short-duration transactions have recovered. A compensating transaction is needed to undo updates of nested transactions that have committed, if the outer-level transaction fails.

• In systems with real-time constraints, correctness of execution involves not only database consistency but also deadline satisfaction. The wide variance of execution times for read and write operations complicates the transaction- management problem for time-constrained systems.

• A multidatabase system provides an environment in which new database applications can access data from a variety of pre-existing databases located in various heterogeneous hardware and software environments.

The local database systems may employ different logical models and data- definition and data-manipulation languages, and may differ in their concurrency-control and transaction-management mechanisms. A multidatabase system creates the illusion of logical database integration, without requiring physical database integration.

Review Terms




Explain how a TP monitor manages memory and processor resources more effectively than a typical operating system.

Compare TP monitor features with those provided by Web servers supporting servlets (such servers have been nicknamed TP-lite).

Consider the process of admitting new students at your university (or new employees at your organization).

a. Give a high-level picture of the workflow starting from the student application procedure.

b. Indicate acceptable termination states, and which steps involve human intervention.

c. Indicate possible errors (including deadline expiry) and how they are dealt with.

d. Study how much of the workflow has been automated at your university.

Like database systems, workflow systems also require concurrency and recovery management. List three reasons why we cannot simply apply a relational database system using 2PL, physical undo logging, and 2PC.

If the entire database fits in main memory, do we still need a database system to manage the data? Explain your answer.

Consider a main-memory database system recovering from a system crash.

Explain the relative merits of

• Loading the entire database back into main memory before resuming transaction processing

• Loading data as it is requested by transactions

In the group-commit technique, how many transactions should be part of a group? Explain your answer.

Is a high-performance transaction system necessarily a real-time system? Why or why not?

In a database system using write-ahead logging, what is the worst-case number of disk accesses required to read a data item? Explain why this presents a problem to designers of real-time database systems.

Explain why it may be impractical to require serializability for long-duration transactions.

Consider a multithreaded process that delivers messages from a durable queue of persistent messages. Different threads may run concurrently, attempting to deliver different messages. In case of a delivery failure, the message must be restored in the queue. Model the actions that each thread carries out as a mul- tilevel transaction, so that locks on the queue need not be held till a message is delivered.

Discuss the modifications that need to be made in each of the recovery schemes covered in Chapter 17 if we allow nested transactions. Also, explain any differences that result if we allow multilevel transactions.

What is the purpose of compensating transactions? Present two examples of their use.

Consider a multidatabase system in which it is guaranteed that at most one global transaction is active at any time, and every local site ensures local serializability.

a. Suggest ways in which the multidatabase system can ensure that there is at most one active global transaction at any time.

b. Show by example that it is possible for a nonserializable global schedule to result despite the assumptions.

Consider a multidatabase system in which every local site ensures local serial- izability, and all global transactions are read only.

a. Show by example that nonserializable executions may result in such a sys- tem.

b. Show how you could use a ticket scheme to ensure global serializability.

Bibliographical Notes

Gray and Edwards [1995] provides an overview of TP monitor architectures; Gray and Reuter [1993] provides a detailed (and excellent) textbook description of tran- saction-processing systems, including chapters on TP monitors. Our description of TP monitors is modeled on these two sources. X/Open [1991] defines the X/Open XA interface. Transaction processing in Tuxedo is described in Huffman [1993]. Wipfler [1987] is one of several texts on application development using CICS.

Fischer [2001] is a handbook on workflow systems. A reference model for work- flows, proposed by the Workflow Management Coalition, is presented in Hollinsworth [1994]. The Web site of the coalition is Our description of workflows follows the model of Rusinkiewicz and Sheth [1995].

Reuter [1989] presents ConTracts, a method for grouping transactions into multi- transaction activities. Some issues related to workflows were addressed in the work on long-running activities described by Dayal et al. [1990] and Dayal et al. [1991]. The authors propose event–condition–action rules as a technique for specifying work- flows. Jin et al. [1993] describes workflow issues in telecommunication applications.

Garcia-Molina and Salem [1992] provides an overview of main-memory databases. Jagadish et al. [1993] describes a recovery algorithm designed for main-memory data- bases. A storage manager for main-memory databases is described in Jagadish et al.


Transaction processing in real-time databases is discussed by Abbott and Garcia-Molina [1999] and Dayal et al. [1990]. Barclay et al. [1982] describes a real-time data-base system used in a telecommunications switching system. Complexity and correctness issues in real-time databases are addressed by Korth et al. [1990b] and Soparkar et al. [1995]. Concurrency control and scheduling in real-time databases are discussed by Haritsa et al. [1990], Hong et al. [1993], and Pang et al. [1995]. Ozsoyoglu and Snodgrass [1995] is a survey of research in real-time and temporal databases.

Nested and multilevel transactions are presented by Lynch [1983], Moss [1982],Moss [1985], Lynch and Merritt [1986], Fekete et al. [1990b], Fekete et al. [1990a], Ko- rth and Speegle [1994], and Pu et al. [1988]. Theoretical aspects of multilevel transac-tions are presented in Lynch et al. [1988] and Weihl and Liskov [1990].

Several extended-transaction models have been defined including Sagas (Garcia-Molina and Salem [1987]), ACTA (Chrysanthis and Ramamritham [1994]), the Con-Tract model (Wachter and Reuter [1992]), ARIES (Mohan et al. [1992] and Rothermel and Mohan [1989]), and the NT/PV model (Korth and Speegle [1994]).

Splitting transactions to achieve higher performance is addressed in Shasha et al.

[1995]. A model for concurrency in nested transactions systems is presented in Beeriet al. [1989]. Relaxation of serializability is discussed in Garcia-Molina [1983] and Sha et al. [1988]. Recovery in nested transaction systems is discussed by Moss [1987], Haerder and Rothermel [1987], Rothermel and Mohan [1989]. Multilevel transaction management is discussed in Weikum [1991].

Gray [1981], Skarra and Zdonik [1989], Korth and Speegle [1988], and Korth and Speegle [1990] discuss long-duration transactions. Transaction processing for long-duration transactions is considered by Weikum and Schek [1984], Haerder  and Rothermel [1987], Weikum et al. [1990], and Korth et al. [1990a]. Salem et al. [1994]

presents an extension of 2PL for long-duration transactions by allowing the early release of locks under certain circumstances. Transaction processing in design and software-engineering applications is discussed in Korth et al. [1988], Kaiser [1990], and Weikum [1991].

Transaction processing in multidatabase systems is discussed in Breitbart et al.

[1990], Breitbart et al. [1991], Breitbart et al. [1992], Soparkar et al. [1991], Mehrotra et al. [1992b] and Mehrotra et al. [1992a]. The ticket scheme is presented in Georgakopoulos et al. [1994]. 2LSR is introduced in Mehrotra et al. [1991]. An earlier ap-proach, called quasi-serializability, is presented in Du and Elmagarmid [1989].


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