Distributed Databases:Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases

Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases

We show here how some of the concurrency-control schemes discussed in Chapter 16 can be modified so that they can be used in a distributed environment. We assume that each site participates in the execution of a commit protocol to ensure global trans- action atomicity.

The protocols we describe in this section require updates to be done on all replicas of a data item. If any site containing a replica of a data item has failed, updates to the data item cannot be processed. In Section 19.6 we describe protocols that can continue transaction processing even if some sites or links have failed, thereby providing high availability.

Locking Protocols

The various locking protocols described in Chapter 16 can be used in a distributed environment. The only change that needs to be incorporated is in the way the lock manager deals with replicated data. We present several possible schemes that are applicable to an environment where data can be replicated in several sites. As in Chapter 16, we shall assume the existence of the shared and exclusive lock modes.

Single Lock-Manager Approach

In the single lock-manager approach, the system maintains a single lock manager that resides in a single chosen site—say Si. All lock and unlock requests are made at site Si. When a transaction needs to lock a data item, it sends a lock request to Si. The lock manager determines whether the lock can be granted immediately. If the lock can be granted, the lock manager sends a message to that effect to the site at which the lock request was initiated. Otherwise, the request is delayed until it can be granted, at which time a message is sent to the site at which the lock request was initiated. The transaction can read the data item from any one of the sites at which a replica of the data item resides. In the case of a write, all the sites where a replica of the data item resides must be involved in the writing.

The scheme has these advantages:

Simple implementation. This scheme requires two messages for handling lock requests, and one message for handling unlock requests.

Simple deadlock handling. Since all lock and unlock requests are made at one site, the deadlock-handling algorithms discussed in Chapter 16 can be applied directly to this environment.

The disadvantages of the scheme are:

Bottleneck. The site Si becomes a bottleneck, since all requests must be processed there.

Vulnerability. If the site Si fails, the concurrency controller is lost. Either processing must stop, or a recovery scheme must be used so that a backup site can take over lock management from Si, as described in Section 19.6.5.

Distributed Lock Manager

A compromise between the advantages and disadvantages can be achieved through the distributed lock-manager approach, in which the lock-manager function is distributed over several sites.

Each site maintains a local lock manager whose function is to administer the lock and unlock requests for those data items that are stored in that site. When a trans- action wishes to lock data item Q, which is not replicated and resides at site Si, a message is sent to the lock manager at site Si requesting a lock (in a particular lock mode). If data item Q is locked in an incompatible mode, then the request is delayed until it can be granted. Once it has determined that the lock request can be granted, the lock manager sends a message back to the initiator indicating that it has granted the lock request.

There are several alternative ways of dealing with replication of data items, which we study in Sections to

The distributed lock manager scheme has the advantage of simple implementation, and reduces the degree to which the coordinator is a bottleneck. It has a reasonably low overhead, requiring two message transfers for handling lock requests, and one message transfer for handling unlock requests. However, deadlock handling is more complex, since the lock and unlock requests are no longer made at a single site: There may be intersite deadlocks even when there is no deadlock within a single site. The deadlock-handling algorithms discussed in Chapter 16 must be modified, as we shall discuss in Section 19.5.4, to detect global deadlocks.

Primary Copy

When a system uses data replication, we can choose one of the replicas as the primary copy. Thus, for each data item Q, the primary copy of Q must reside in precisely one site, which we call the primary site of Q.

When a transaction needs to lock a data item Q, it requests a lock at the primary site of Q. As before, the response to the request is delayed until it can be granted.

Thus, the primary copy enables concurrency control for replicated data to be handled like that for unreplicated data. This similarity allows for a simple implementation. However, if the primary site of Q fails, Q is inaccessible, even though other sites containing a replica may be accessible.

Majority Protocol

The majority protocol works this way: If data item Q is replicated in n different sites, then a lock-request message must be sent to more than one-half of the n sites in which Q is stored. Each lock manager determines whether the lock can be granted immediately (as far as it is concerned). As before, the response is delayed until the request can be granted. The transaction does not operate on Q until it has successfully obtained a lock on a majority of the replicas of Q.

This scheme deals with replicated data in a decentralized manner, thus avoiding the drawbacks of central control. However, it suffers from these disadvantages:

Implementation. The majority protocol is more complicated to implement than are the previous schemes. It requires 2(n/2 + 1) messages for handling lock requests, and (n/2 + 1) messages for handling unlock requests.

Deadlock handling. In addition to the problem of global deadlocks due to the use of a distributed lock-manager approach, it is possible for a deadlock to occur even if only one data item is being locked. As an illustration, consider a system with four sites and full replication. Suppose that transactions T1 and T2 wish to lock data item Q in exclusive mode. Transaction T1 may succeed in locking Q at sites S1 and S3, while transaction T2 may succeed in locking Q at sites S2 and S4. Each then must wait to acquire the third lock; hence, a deadlock has occurred. Luckily, we can avoid such deadlocks with relative ease, by requiring all sites to request locks on the replicas of a data item in the same predetermined order.

Biased Protocol

The biased protocol is another approach to handling replication. The difference from the majority protocol is that requests for shared locks are given more favorable treat- ment than requests for exclusive locks.

Shared locks. When a transaction needs to lock data item Q, it simply requests a lock on Q from the lock manager at one site that contains a replica of Q.

Exclusive locks. When a transaction needs to lock data item Q, it requests a lock on Q from the lock manager at all sites that contain a replica of Q.

As before, the response to the request is delayed until it can be granted.

The biased scheme has the advantage of imposing less overhead on read operations than does the majority protocol. This savings is especially significant in common cases in which the frequency of read is much greater than the frequency of write.

However, the additional overhead on writes is a disadvantage. Furthermore, the biased protocol shares the majority protocol’s disadvantage of complexity in handling deadlock.

Quorum Consensus Protocol

The quorum consensus protocol is a generalization of the majority protocol. The quorum consensus protocol assigns each site a nonnegative weight. It assigns read and write operations on an item x two integers, called read quorum Qr and write quorum Qw , that must satisfy the following condition, where S is the total weight of all sites at which x resides:


To execute a read operation, enough replicas must be read that their total weight is Qr . To execute a write operation, enough replicas must be written so that their total weight is Qw .

The benefit of the quorum consensus approach is that it can permit the cost of either reads or writes to be selectively reduced by appropriately defining the read and write quorums. For instance, with a small read quorum, reads need to read fewer replicas, but the write quorum will be higher, hence writes can succeed only if correspondingly more replicas are available. Also, if higher weights are given to some sites (for example, those less likely to fail), fewer sites need to be accessed for acquiring locks.

In fact, by setting weights and quorums appropriately, the quorum consensus protocol can simulate the majority protocol and the biased protocols.


The principal idea behind the timestamping scheme in Section 16.2 is that each trans- action is given a unique timestamp that the system uses in deciding the serialization order. Our first task, then, in generalizing the centralized scheme to a distributed


scheme is to develop a scheme for generating unique timestamps. Then, the various protocols can operate directly to the nonreplicated environment.

There are two primary methods for generating unique timestamps, one centralized and one distributed. In the centralized scheme, a single site distributes the time- stamps. The site can use a logical counter or its own local clock for this purpose.

In the distributed scheme, each site generates a unique local timestamp by using either a logical counter or the local clock. We obtain the unique global timestamp by concatenating the unique local timestamp with the site identifier, which also must be unique (Figure 19.2). The order of concatenation is important! We use the site identifier in the least significant position to ensure that the global timestamps generated in one site are not always greater than those generated in another site. Compare this technique for generating unique timestamps with the one that we presented in Section 19.2.3 for generating unique names.

We may still have a problem if one site generates local timestamps at a rate faster than that of the other sites. In such a case, the fast site’s logical counter will be larger than that of other sites. Therefore, all timestamps generated by the fast site will be larger than those generated by other sites. What we need is a mechanism to ensure that local timestamps are generated fairly across the system. We define within each site Si a logical clock (LCi), which generates the unique local timestamp. The logical clock can be implemented as a counter that is incremented after a new local time- stamp is generated. To ensure that the various logical clocks are synchronized, we require that a site Si advance its logical clock whenever a transaction Ti with time- stamp <x,y> visits that site and x is greater than the current value of LCi. In this case, site Si advances its logical clock to the value x + 1.

If the system clock is used to generate timestamps, then timestamps will be as- signed fairly, provided that no site has a system clock that runs fast or slow. Since clocks may not be perfectly accurate, a technique similar to that for logical clocks must be used to ensure that no clock gets far ahead of or behind another clock.

Replication with Weak Degrees of Consistency

Many commercial databases today support replication, which can take one of several forms. With master – slave replication, the database allows updates at a primary site, and automatically propagates updates to replicas at other sites. Transactions may read the replicas at other sites, but are not permitted to update them.

An important feature of such replication is that transactions do not obtain locks at remote sites. To ensure that transactions running at the replica sites see a consistent  (but perhaps outdated) view of the database, the replica should reflect a transaction- consistent snapshot of the data at the primary; that is, the replica should reflect all updates of transactions up to some transaction in the serialization order, and should not reflect any updates of later transactions in the serialization order.

The database may be configured to propagate updates immediately after they occur at the primary, or to propagate updates only periodically.

Master – slave replication is particularly useful for distributing information, for in- stance from a central office to branch offices of an organization. Another use for this form of replication is in creating a copy of the database to run large queries, so that queries do not interfere with transactions. Updates should be propagated periodically — every night, for example — so that update propagation does not interfere with query processing.

The Oracle database system supports a create snapshot statement, which can create a transaction-consistent snapshot copy of a relation, or set of relations, at a remote site. It also supports snapshot refresh, which can be done either by recomputing the snapshot or by incrementally updating it. Oracle supports automatic refresh, either continuously or at periodic intervals.

With multimaster replication (also called update-anywhere replication) updates are permitted at any replica of a data item, and are automatically propagated to all replicas. This model is the basic model used to manage replicas in distributed databases. Transactions update the local copy and the system updates other replicas transparently.

One way of updating replicas is to apply immediate update with two-phase commit, using one of the distributed concurrency-control techniques we have seen. Many database systems use the biased protocol, where writes have to lock and update all replicas and reads lock and read any one replica, as their currency-control technique.

Many database systems provide an alternative form of updating: They update at one site, with lazy propagation of updates to other sites, instead of immediately applying updates to all replicas as part of the transaction performing the update.

Schemes based on lazy propagation allow transaction processing (including updates) to proceed even if a site is disconnected from the network, thus improving availability, but, unfortunately, do so at the cost of consistency. One of two approaches is usually followed when lazy propagation is used:

• Updates at replicas are translated into updates at a primary site, which are then propagated lazily to all replicas.

This approach ensures that updates to an item are ordered serially, although serializability problems can occur, since transactions may read an old value of some other data item and use it to perform an update.

• Updates are performed at any replica and propagated to all other replicas.

This approach can cause even more problems, since the same data item may be updated concurrently at multiple sites.

Some conflicts due to the lack of distributed concurrency control can be detected when updates are propagated to other sites (we shall see how in Section 23.5.4),

but resolving the conflict involves rolling back committed transactions, and durability of committed transactions is therefore not guaranteed. Further, human intervention may be required to deal with conflicts. The above schemes should therefore be avoided or used with care.

Deadlock Handling

The deadlock-prevention and deadlock-detection algorithms in Chapter 16 can be used in a distributed system, provided that modifications are made. For example, we can use the tree protocol by defining a global tree among the system data items. Similarly, the timestamp-ordering approach could be directly applied to a distributed environment, as we saw in Section 19.5.2.

Deadlock prevention may result in unnecessary waiting and rollback. Further- more, certain deadlock-prevention techniques may require more sites to be involved in the execution of a transaction than would otherwise be the case.

If we allow deadlocks to occur and rely on deadlock detection, the main problem in a  distributed system is deciding how to maintain the wait-for graph. Common techniques for dealing with this issue require that each site keep a local wait-for graph. The nodes of the graph correspond to all the transactions (local as well as nonlocal) that are currently either holding or requesting any of the items local to that site. For example, Figure 19.3 depicts a system consisting of two sites, each maintaining its local wait-for graph. Note that transactions T2 and T3 appear in both graphs, indicating that the transactions have requested items at both sites.

These local wait-for graphs are constructed in the usual manner for local transactions and data items. When a transaction Ti on site S1 needs a resource in site S2, it sends a request message to site S2. If the resource is held by transaction Tj , the system inserts an edge Ti Tj in the local wait-for graph of site S2.



Clearly, if any local wait-for graph has a cycle, deadlock has occurred. On the other hand, the fact that there are no cycles in any of the local wait-for graphs does not mean that there are no deadlocks. To illustrate this problem, we consider the local wait-for graphs of Figure 19.3. Each wait-for graph is acyclic; nevertheless, a deadlock exists in the system because the union of the local wait-for graphs contains a cycle. This graph appears in Figure 19.4.

In the centralized deadlock detection approach, the system constructs and maintains a global wait-for graph (the union of all the local graphs) in a single site: the deadlock-detection coordinator. Since there is communication delay in the system, we must distinguish between two types of wait-for graphs. The real graph describes the real but unknown state of the system at any instance in time, as would be seen by an omniscient observer. The constructed graph is an approximation generated by the controller during the execution of the controller’s algorithm. Obviously, the controller must generate the constructed graph in such a way that, whenever the detection algorithm is invoked, the reported results are correct. Correct means in this case that, if a deadlock exists, it is reported promptly, and if the system reports a deadlock, it is indeed in a deadlock state.

The global wait-for graph can be reconstructed or updated under these conditions:

• Whenever a new edge is inserted in or removed from one of the local wait-for graphs.

• Periodically, when a number of changes have occurred in a local wait-for graph.

• Whenever the coordinator needs to invoke the cycle-detection algorithm.

When the coordinator invokes the deadlock-detection algorithm, it searches its global graph. If it finds a cycle, it selects a victim to be rolled back. The coordinator must notify all the sites that a particular transaction has been selected as victim. The sites, in turn, roll back the victim transaction.

This scheme may produce unnecessary rollbacks if:

False cycles exist in the global wait-for graph. As an illustration, consider a snapshot of the system represented by the local wait-for graphs of Figure 19.5. Suppose that T2 releases the resource that it is holding in site S1, resulting in

the deletion of the edge T1 T2 in S1. Transaction T2 then requests a resource held by T3 at site S2, resulting in the addition of the edge T2 T3 in S2. If the insert T2 T3 message from S2 arrives before the remove T1 T2 message from S1, the coordinator may discover the false cycle T1 T2 T3 after the insert (but before the remove). Deadlock recovery may be initiated, although no deadlock has occurred.


Note that the false-cycle situation could not occur under two-phase locking. The likelihood of false cycles is usually sufficiently low that they do not cause a serious performance problem.

• A deadlock has indeed occurred and a victim has been picked, while one of the transactions was aborted for reasons unrelated to the deadlock. For example, suppose that site S1 in Figure 19.3 decides to abort T2. At the same time, the coordinator has discovered a cycle, and has picked T3 as a victim. Both T2 and T3 are now rolled back, although only T2 needed to be rolled back.

Deadlock detection can be done in a distributed manner, with several sites taking on parts of the task, instead of being done at a single site, However, such algorithms are more complicated and more expensive. See the bibliographical notes for references to such algorithms.


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