Other Operations

Other Operations

Other relational operations and extended relational operations — such as duplicate elimination, projection, set operations, outer join, and aggregation — can be implemented as outlined in Sections 13.6.1 through 13.6.5.

Duplicate Elimination

We can implement duplicate elimination easily by sorting. Identical tuples will appear adjacent to each other during sorting, and all but one copy can be removed. With external sort – merge, duplicates found while a run is being created can be removed before the run is written to disk, thereby reducing the number of block transfers. The remaining duplicates can be eliminated during merging, and the final sorted run will have no duplicates. The worst-case cost estimate for duplicate elimination is the same as the worst-case cost estimate for sorting of the relation.

We can also implement duplicate elimination by hashing, as in the hash join algorithm. First, the relation is partitioned on the basis of a hash function on the whole tuple. Then, each partition is read in, and an in-memory hash index is constructed.

While constructing the hash index, a tuple is inserted only if it is not already present.

Otherwise, the tuple is discarded. After all tuples in the partition have been processed, the tuples in the hash index are written to the result. The cost estimate is the same as that for the cost of processing (partitioning and reading each partition) of the build relation in a hash join.

Because of the relatively high cost of duplicate elimination, SQL requires an explicit request by the user to remove duplicates; otherwise, the duplicates are retained.


We can implement projection easily by performing projection on each tuple, which gives a relation that could have duplicate records, and then removing duplicate rec- ords. Duplicates can be eliminated by the methods described in Section 13.6.1. If the attributes in the projection list include a key of the relation, no duplicates will exist; hence, duplicate elimination is not required. Generalized projection (which was discussed in Section 3.3.1) can be implemented in the same way as projection.

Set Operations

We can implement the union, intersection, and set-difference operations by first sorting both relations, and then scanning once through each of the sorted relations to produce the result. In r s, when a concurrent scan of both relations reveals the same tuple in both files, only one of the tuples is retained. The result of r s will contain only those tuples that appear in both relations. We implement set difference, r s, similarly, by retaining tuples in r only if they are absent in s.

For all these operations, only one scan of the two input relations is required, so the cost is br + bs. If the relations are not sorted initially, the cost of sorting has to be included. Any sort order can be used in evaluation of set operations, provided that both inputs have that same sort order.

Hashing provides another way to implement these set operations. The first step in each case is to partition the two relations by the same hash function, and thereby create the partitions Hr0 , Hr1 ,... , Hrn and Hs0 , Hs1 ,... , Hsn . Depending on the operation, the system then takes these steps on each partition i = 0, 1 ... , nh:


Outer Join

Recall the outer-join operations described in Section 3.3.3. For example, the natural left outer join customer  depositor contains the join of customer and depositor, and, in addition, for each customer tuple t that has no matching tuple in depositor (that is, where customer-name is not in depositor), the following tuple t1 is added to the result.

For all attributes in the schema of customer, tuple t1 has the same values as tuple t.

The remaining attributes (from the schema of depositor) of tuple t1 contain the value null.

We can implement the outer-join operations by using one of two strategies:

1. Compute the corresponding join, and then add further tuples to the join result to get the outer-join result. Consider the left outer-join operation and two relations: r(R) and s(S). To evaluate r s, we first compute r s, and save that result as temporary relation q1. Next, we compute r ΠR(q1), which gives tuples in r that did not participate in the join. We can use any of the algorithms for computing the joins, projection, and set difference described earlier to compute the outer joins. We pad each of these tuples with null values for attributes from s, and add it to q1 to get the result of the outer join.

The right outer-join operation r θ s is equivalent to s r, and can therefore be implemented in a symmetric fashion to the left outer join. We can implement the full outer-join operation r s by computing the join r s, and then adding the extra tuples of both the left and right outer-join operations, as before.

2. Modify the join algorithms. It is easy to extend the nested-loop join algorithms to compute the left outer join: Tuples in the outer relation that do not match any tuple in the inner relation are written to the output after being padded with null values. However, it is hard to extend the nested-loop join to compute the full outer join.

Natural outer joins and outer joins with an equi-join condition can be computed by extensions of the merge join and hash join algorithms. Merge join can be extended to compute the full outer join as follows: When the merge of the two relations is being done, tuples in either relation that did not match any tuple in the other relation can be padded with nulls and written to the out- put. Similarly, we can extend merge join to compute the left and right outer joins by writing out nonmatching tuples (padded with nulls) from only one of the relations. Since the relations are sorted, it is easy to detect whether or not a tuple matches any tuples from the other relation. For example, when a merge join of customer and depositor is done, the tuples are read in sorted or- der of customer-name, and it is easy to check, for each tuple, whether there is a matching tuple in the other.

The cost estimates for implementing outer joins using the merge join algorithm are the same as are those for the corresponding join. The only difference lies in size of the result, and therefore in the block transfers for writing it out, which we did not count in our earlier cost estimates.

The extension of the hash join algorithm to compute outer joins is left for you to do as an exercise (Exercise 13.11).


Recall the aggregation operator G, discussed in Section 3.3.2. For example, the operation


groups account tuples by branch, and computes the total balance of all the accounts at each branch.

The aggregation operation can be implemented in the same way as duplicate elimination. We use either sorting or hashing, just as we did for duplicate elimination, but based on the grouping attributes (branch-name in the preceding example). How- ever, instead of eliminating tuples with the same value for the grouping attribute, we gather them into groups, and apply the aggregation operations on each group to get the result.

The cost estimate for implementing the aggregation operation is the same as the cost of duplicate elimination, for aggregate functions such as min, max, sum, count, and avg.

Instead of gathering all the tuples in a group and then applying the aggregation operations, we can implement the aggregation operations sum, min, max, count, and avg on the fly as the groups are being constructed. For the case of sum, min, and max, when two tuples in the same group are found, the system replaces them by a single tuple containing the sum, min, or max, respectively, of the columns being aggregated. For the count operation, it maintains a running count for each group for which a tuple has been found. Finally, we implement the avg operation by computing

the sum and the count values on the fly, and finally dividing the sum by the count to get the average.

If all tuples of the result will fit in memory, both the sort-based and the hash-based implementations do not need to write any tuples to disk. As the tuples are read in, they can be inserted in a sorted tree structure or in a hash index. When we use on the fly aggregation techniques, only one tuple needs to be stored for each of the groups. Hence, the sorted tree structure or hash index will fit in memory, and the aggregation can be processed with just br block transfers, instead of with the 3br transfers that would be required otherwise.


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