

Often, a collection of several operations on the database appears to be a single unit from the point of view of the database user. For example, a transfer of funds from a checking account to a savings account is a single operation from the customer’s standpoint; within the database system, however, it consists of several operations. Clearly, it is essential that all these operations occur, or that, in case of a failure, none occur. It would be unacceptable if the checking account were debited, but the savings account were not credited.

Collections of operations that form a single logical unit of work are called transactions. A database system must ensure proper execution of transactions despite failures — either the entire transaction executes, or none of it does. Furthermore, it must manage concurrent execution of transactions in a way that avoids the introduction of inconsistency. In our funds-transfer example, a transaction computing the customer’s total money might see the checking-account balance before it is debited by the funds- transfer transaction, but see the savings balance after it is credited. As a result, it would obtain an incorrect result.

This chapter introduces the basic concepts of transaction processing. Details on concurrent transaction processing and recovery from failures are in Chapters 16 and 17, respectively. Further topics in transaction processing are discussed in Chapter 24.

15.1 Transaction Concept

A transaction is a unit of program execution that accesses and possibly updates various data items. Usually, a transaction is initiated by a user program written in a high-level data-manipulation language or programming language (for example, SQL, COBOL, C, C++, or Java), where it is delimited by statements (or function calls) of the form begin transaction and end transaction. The transaction consists of all operations executed between the begin transaction and end transaction.

To ensure integrity of the data, we require that the database system maintain the following properties of the transactions:

Atomicity. Either all operations of the transaction are reflected properly in the database, or none are.

Consistency. Execution of a transaction in isolation (that is, with no other transaction executing concurrently) preserves the consistency of the database.

Isolation. Even though multiple transactions may execute concurrently, the system guarantees that, for every pair of transactions Ti and Tj , it appears to Ti that either Tj finished execution before Ti started, or Tj started execution after Ti finished. Thus, each transaction is unaware of other transactions executing concurrently in the system.

Durability. After a transaction completes successfully, the changes it has made to the database persist, even if there are system failures.

These properties are often called the ACID properties; the acronym is derived from the first letter of each of the four properties.

To gain a better understanding of ACID properties and the need for them, con- sider a simplified banking system consisting of several accounts and a set of trans- actions that access and update those accounts. For the time being, we assume that the database permanently resides on disk, but that some portion of it is temporarily residing in main memory.

Transactions access data using two operations:

• read(X), which transfers the data item X from the database to a local buffer belonging to the transaction that executed the read operation.

• write(X), which transfers the data item X from the the local buffer of the trans- action that executed the write back to the database.

In a real database system, the write operation does not necessarily result in the immediate update of the data on the disk; the write operation may be temporarily stored in memory and executed on the disk later. For now, however, we shall assume that the write operation updates the database immediately. We shall return to this subject in Chapter 17.

Let Ti be a transaction that transfers $50 from account A to account B. This trans- action can be defined as


Let us now consider each of the ACID requirements. (For ease of presentation, we consider them in an order different from the order A-C-I-D).

Consistency: The consistency requirement here is that the sum of A and B be unchanged by the execution of the transaction. Without the consistency requirement, money could be created or destroyed by the transaction! It can be verified easily that, if the database is consistent before an execution of the transaction, the database remains consistent after the execution of the transaction.

Ensuring consistency for an individual transaction is the responsibility of the application programmer who codes the transaction. This task may be facilitated by automatic testing of integrity constraints, as we discussed in Chapter 6.

Atomicity: Suppose that, just before the execution of transaction Ti the values of accounts A and B are $1000 and $2000, respectively. Now suppose that, during the execution of transaction Ti, a failure occurs that prevents Ti from completing its execution successfully. Examples of such failures include power failures, hardware failures, and software errors. Further, suppose that the fail- ure happened after the write(A) operation but before the write(B) operation. In this case, the values of accounts A and B reflected in the database are $950 and $2000. The system destroyed $50 as a result of this failure. In particular, we note that the sum A + B is no longer preserved.

Thus, because of the failure, the state of the system no longer reflects a real state of the world that the database is supposed to capture. We term such a state an inconsistent state. We must ensure that such inconsistencies are not visible in a database system. Note, however, that the system must at some point be in an inconsistent state. Even if transaction Ti is executed to completion, there exists a point at which the value of account A is $950 and the value of account B is $2000, which is clearly an inconsistent state. This state, how- ever, is eventually replaced by the consistent state where the value of account A is $950, and the value of account B is $2050. Thus, if the transaction never started or was guaranteed to complete, such an inconsistent state would not be visible except during the execution of the transaction. That is the reason for the atomicity requirement: If the atomicity property is present, all actions of the transaction are reflected in the database, or none are.

The basic idea behind ensuring atomicity is this: The database system keeps track (on disk) of the old values of any data on which a transaction performs a write, and, if the transaction does not complete its execution, the database system restores the old values to make it appear as though the transaction never executed. We discuss these ideas further in Section 15.2. Ensuring atomicity is the responsibility of the database system itself; specifically, it is handled by a component called the transaction-management component, which we de- scribe in detail in Chapter 17.

Durability: Once the execution of the transaction completes successfully, and the user who initiated the transaction has been notified that the transfer of funds has taken place, it must be the case that no system failure will result in a loss of data corresponding to this transfer of funds.

The durability property guarantees that, once a transaction completes successfully, all the updates that it carried out on the database persist, even if there is a system failure after the transaction completes execution.

We assume for now that a failure of the computer system may result in loss of data in main memory, but data written to disk are never lost. We can guarantee durability by ensuring that either

1. The updates carried out by the transaction have been written to disk be- fore the transaction completes.

2. Information about the updates carried out by the transaction and written to disk is sufficient to enable the database to reconstruct the updates when the database system is restarted after the failure.

Ensuring durability is the responsibility of a component of the database sys- tem called the recovery-management component. The transaction-management component and the recovery-management component are closely related, and we describe them in Chapter 17.

Isolation: Even if the consistency and atomicity properties are ensured for each transaction, if several transactions are executed concurrently, their operations may interleave in some undesirable way, resulting in an inconsistent state.

For example, as we saw earlier, the database is temporarily inconsistent while the transaction to transfer funds from A to B is executing, with the de- ducted total written to A and the increased total yet to be written to B. If a second concurrently running transaction reads A and B at this intermediate point and computes A + B, it will observe an inconsistent value. Furthermore, if this second transaction then performs updates on A and B based on the in- consistent values that it read, the database may be left in an inconsistent state even after both transactions have completed.

A way to avoid the problem of concurrently executing transactions is to execute transactions serially — that is, one after the other. However, concurrent execution of transactions provides significant performance benefits, as we shall see in Section 15.4. Other solutions have therefore been developed; they allow multiple transactions to execute concurrently.

We discuss the problems caused by concurrently executing transactions in Section 15.4. The isolation property of a transaction ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that is equivalent to a state that could have been obtained had these transactions executed one at a time in some order. We shall discuss the principles of isolation further in Section 15.5. Ensuring the isolation property is the responsibility of a component of the database system called the concurrency-control component, which we discuss later, in Chapter 16.

Transaction State

In the absence of failures, all transactions complete successfully. However, as we noted earlier, a transaction may not always complete its execution successfully. Such a transaction is termed aborted. If we are to ensure the atomicity property, an aborted transaction must have no effect on the state of the database. Thus, any changes that the aborted transaction made to the database must be undone. Once the changes caused by an aborted transaction have been undone, we say that the transaction has been rolled back. It is part of the responsibility of the recovery scheme to manage transaction aborts.

A transaction that completes its execution successfully is said to be committed. A committed transaction that has performed updates transforms the database into a new consistent state, which must persist even if there is a system failure.

Once a transaction has committed, we cannot undo its effects by aborting it. The only way to undo the effects of a committed transaction is to execute a compensating transaction. For instance, if a transaction added $20 to an account, the compensating transaction would subtract $20 from the account. However, it is not always possible to create such a compensating transaction. Therefore, the responsibility of writing and executing a compensating transaction is left to the user, and is not handled by the database system. Chapter 24 includes a discussion of compensating transactions.

We need to be more precise about what we mean by successful completion of a transaction. We therefore establish a simple abstract transaction model. A transaction must be in one of the following states:

Active, the initial state; the transaction stays in this state while it is executing

Partially committed, after the final statement has been executed

Failed, after the discovery that normal execution can no longer proceed

Aborted, after the transaction has been rolled back and the database has been restored to its state prior to the start of the transaction

Committed, after successful completion

The state diagram corresponding to a transaction appears in Figure 15.1. We say that a transaction has committed only if it has entered the committed state. Similarly, we say that a transaction has aborted only if it has entered the aborted state. A transaction is said to have terminated if has either committed or aborted.

A transaction starts in the active state. When it finishes its final statement, it enters the partially committed state. At this point, the transaction has completed its execution, but it is still possible that it may have to be aborted, since the actual output may still be temporarily residing in main memory, and thus a hardware failure may preclude its successful completion.

The database system then writes out enough information to disk that, even in the event of a failure, the updates performed by the transaction can be re-created when the system restarts after the failure. When the last of this information is written out, the transaction enters the committed state.

As mentioned earlier, we assume for now that failures do not result in loss of data on disk. Chapter 17 discusses techniques to deal with loss of data on disk.

A transaction enters the failed state after the system determines that the transaction can no longer proceed with its normal execution (for example, because of hardware or logical errors). Such a transaction must be rolled back. Then, it enters the aborted state. At this point, the system has two options:


• It can restart the transaction, but only if the transaction was aborted as a result of some hardware or software error that was not created through the internal logic of the transaction. A restarted transaction is considered to be a new transaction.

• It can kill the transaction. It usually does so because of some internal logical error that can be corrected only by rewriting the application program, or be- cause the input was bad, or because the desired data were not found in the database.

We must be cautious when dealing with observable external writes, such as writes to a terminal or printer. Once such a write has occurred, it cannot be erased, since it may have been seen external to the database system. Most systems allow such writes to take place only after the transaction has entered the committed state. One way to implement such a scheme is for the database system to store any value associated with such external writes temporarily in nonvolatile storage, and to perform the actual writes only after the transaction enters the committed state. If the system should fail after the transaction has entered the committed state, but before it could complete the external writes, the database system will carry out the external writes (using the data in nonvolatile storage) when the system is restarted.

Handling external writes can be more complicated in some situations. For example suppose the external action is that of dispensing cash at an automated teller machine, and the system fails just before the cash is actually dispensed (we assume that cash can be dispensed atomically). It makes no sense to dispense cash when the system is restarted, since the user may have left the machine. In such a case a compensating transaction, such as depositing the cash back in the users account, needs to be executed when the system is restarted.

For certain applications, it may be desirable to allow active transactions to dis- play data to users, particularly for long-duration transactions that run for minutes or hours. Unfortunately, we cannot allow such output of observable data unless we are willing to compromise transaction atomicity. Most current transaction systems ensure atomicity and, therefore, forbid this form of interaction with users. In Chapter 24, we discuss alternative transaction models that support long-duration, interactive transactions.


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