Summary of Application Development and Administration


• Time plays an important role in database systems. Databases are models of the real world. Whereas most databases model the state of the real world at a point in time (at the current time), temporal databases model the states of the real world across time.

• Facts in temporal relations have associated times when they are valid, which can be represented as a union of intervals. Temporal query languages simplify modeling of time, as well as time-related queries.

• Spatial databases are finding increasing use today to store computer-aided- design data as well as geographic data.

• Design data are stored primarily as vector data; geographic data consist of a combination of vector and raster data. Spatial-integrity constraints are important for design data.

• Vector data can be encoded as first-normal-form data, or can be stored using non-first-normal-form structures, such as lists. Special-purpose index structures are particularly important for accessing spatial data, and for processing spatial queries.

• R-trees are a multidimensional extension of B-trees; with variants such as R+- trees and R-trees, they have proved popular in spatial databases. Index structures that partition space in a regular fashion, such as quadtrees, help in processing spatial join queries.

• Multimedia databases are growing in importance. Issues such as similarity- based retrieval and delivery of data at guaranteed rates are topics of current research.

• Mobile computing systems have become common, leading to interest in data- base systems that can run on such systems. Query processing in such systems may involve lookups on server databases. The query cost model must include the cost of communication, including monetary cost and battery-power cost, which is relatively high for mobile systems.

• Broadcast is much cheaper per recipient than is point-to-point communication, and broadcast of data such as stock-market data helps mobile systems to pick up data inexpensively.

• Disconnected operation, use of broadcast data, and caching of data are three important issues being addressed in mobile computing.


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