Summary of Distributed Databases


• A distributed database system consists of a collection of sites, each of which maintains a local database system. Each site is able to process local transactions: those transactions that access data in only that single site. In addition, a site may participate in the execution of global transactions; those transactions that access data in several sites. The execution of global transactions requires communication among the sites.

• Distributed databases may be homogeneous, where all sites have a common schema and database system code, or heterogeneous, where the schemas and system codes may differ.

• There are several issues involved in storing a relation in the distributed data- base, including replication and fragmentation. It is essential that the system minimize the degree to which a user needs to be aware of how a relation is stored.

• A distributed system may suffer from the same types of failure that can afflict a centralized system. There are, however, additional failures with which we need to deal in a distributed environment, including the failure of a site, the failure of a link, loss of a message, and network partition. Each of these problems needs to be considered in the design of a distributed recovery scheme.

• To ensure atomicity, all the sites in which a transaction T executed must agree on the final outcome of the execution. T either commits at all sites or aborts at all sites. To ensure this property, the transaction coordinator of T must execute a commit protocol. The most widely used commit protocol is the two-phase commit protocol.

• The two-phase commit protocol may lead to blocking, the situation in which the fate of a transaction cannot be determined until a failed site (the coordinator) recovers. We can use the three-phase commit protocol to reduce the probability of blocking.

• Persistent messaging provides an alternative model for handling distributed transactions. The model breaks a single transaction into parts that are exe- cuted at different databases. Persistent messages (which are guaranteed to be delivered exactly once, regardless of failures), are sent to remote sites to re- quest actions to be taken there. While persistent messaging avoids the block- ing problem, application developers have to write code to handle various types of failures.

• The various concurrency-control schemes used in a centralized system can be modified for use in a distributed environment.

In the case of locking protocols, the only change that needs to be incorporated is in the way that the lock manager is implemented. There are a variety of different approaches here. One or more central coordinators may be used. If, instead, a distributed lock-manager approach is taken, replicated data must be treated specially.

Protocols for handling replicated data include the primary-copy, majority, biased, and quorum-consensus protocols. These have different tradeoffs in terms of cost and ability to work in the presence of failures.

In the case of timestamping and validation schemes, the only needed change is to develop a mechanism for generating unique global time- stamps.

Many database systems support lazy replication, where updates are propagated to replicas outside the scope of the transaction that performed the update. Such facilities must be used with great care, since they may result in nonserializable executions.

• Deadlock detection in a distributed lock-manager environment requires co- operation between multiple sites, since there may be global deadlocks even when there are no local deadlocks.

• To provide high availability, a distributed database must detect failures, recon- figure itself so that computation may continue, and recover when a processor or a link is repaired. The task is greatly complicated by the fact that it is hard to distinguish between network partitions or site failures.

The majority protocol can be extended by using version numbers to per- mit transaction processing to proceed even in the presence of failures. While the protocol has a significant overhead, it works regardless of the type of failure. Less-expensive protocols are available to deal with site failures, but they assume network partitioning does not occur.

• Some of the distributed algorithms require the use of a coordinator. To provide high availability, the system must maintain a backup copy that is ready to assume responsibility if the coordinator fails. Another approach is to choose the new coordinator after the coordinator has failed. The algorithms that deter- mine which site should act as a coordinator are called election algorithms.

• Queries on a distributed database may need to access multiple sites. Several optimization techniques are available to choose which sites need to be accessed. Based on fragmentation and replication, the techniques can use semi- join techniques to reduce data transfer.

• Heterogeneous distributed databases allow sites to have their own schemas and database system code. A multidatabase system provides an environment in which new database applications can access data from a variety of pre- existing databases located in various heterogeneous hardware and software environments. The local database systems may employ different logical models and data-definition and data-manipulation languages, and may differ in their concurrency-control and transaction-management mechanisms. A multidatabase system creates the illusion of logical database integration, without requiring physical database integration.

• Directory systems can be viewed as a specialized form of database, where information is organized in a hierarchical fashion similar to the way files are organized in a file system. Directories are accessed by standardized directory access protocols such as LDAP.

Directories can be distributed across multiple sites to provide autonomy to individual sites. Directories can contain referrals to other directories, which help build an integrated view whereby a query is sent to a single directory, and it is transparently executed at all relevant directories.


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