Summary of Application Development and Administration


• The Web browser has emerged as the most widely used user interface to databases. HTML provides the ability to define interfaces that combine hyper- links with forms facilities. Web browsers communicate with Web servers by the HTTP protocol. Web servers can pass on requests to application programs, and return the results to the browser.

• There are several client-side scripting languages — Javascript is the most widely used — that provide richer user interaction at the browser end.

• Web servers execute application programs to implement desired functionality. Servlets are a widely used mechanism to write application programs that run as part of the Web server process, in order to reduce overheads. There are also many server-side scripting languages that are interpreted by the Web server and provide application program functionality as part of the Web server.

• Tuning of the database-system parameters, as well as the higher-level database design — such as the schema, indices, and transactions — is important for good performance. Tuning is best done by identifying bottlenecks and eliminating them.

• Performance benchmarks play an important role in comparisons of database systems, especially as systems become more standards compliant. The TPC benchmark suites are widely used, and the different TPC benchmarks are use- ful for comparing the performance of databases under different workloads.

• Standards are important because of the complexity of database systems and their need for interoperation. Formal standards exist for SQL. Defacto standards, such as ODBC and JDBC, and standards adopted by industry groups, such as CORBA, have played an important role in the growth of client – server database systems. Standards for object-oriented databases, such as ODMG, are being developed by industry groups.

• E-commerce systems are fast becoming a core part of how commerce is per- formed. There are several database issues in e-commerce systems. Catalog management, especially personalization of the catalog, is done with databases. Electronic marketplaces help in pricing of products through auctions, reverse auctions, or exchanges. High-performance database systems are needed to handle such trading. Orders are settled by electronic payment systems, which also need high-performance database systems to handle very high transaction rates.

• Legacy systems are systems based on older-generation technologies such as nonrelational databases or even directly on file systems. Interfacing legacy systems with new-generation systems is often important when they run mission-critical systems. Migrating from legacy systems to new-generation systems must be done carefully to avoid disruptions, which can be very ex- pensive.

Review Terms




What is the main reason why servlets give better performance than programs that use the common gateway interface (CGI), even though Java programs generally run slower than C or C++ programs.

List some benefits and drawbacks of connectionless protocols over protocols that maintain connections.

List three ways in which caching can be used to speed up Web server performance.

a. What are the three broad levels at which a database system can be tuned to improve performance?

b. Give two examples of how tuning can be done, for each of the levels.

What is the motivation for splitting a long transaction into a series of small ones? What problems could arise as a result, and how can these problems be averted?

Suppose a system runs three types of transactions. Transactions of type A run at the rate of 50 per second, transactions of type B run at 100 per second, and transactions of type C run at 200 per second. Suppose the mix of transactions has 25 percent of type A, 25 percent of type B, and 50 percent of type C.

a. What is the average transaction throughput of the system, assuming there is no interference between the transactions.

b. What factors may result in interference between the transactions of different types, leading to the calculated throughput being incorrect?

Suppose the price of memory falls by half, and the speed of disk access (number of accesses per second) doubles, while all other factors remain the same. What would be the effect of this change on the 5 minute and 1 minute rule?

List some of the features of the TPC benchmarks that help make them realistic and dependable measures.

Why was the TPC-D benchmark replaced by the TPC-H and TPC-R benchmarks?

List some benefits and drawbacks of an anticipatory standard compared to a reactionary standard.

Suppose someone impersonates a company and gets a certificate from a certificate issuing authority. What is the effect on things (such as purchase orders or programs) certified by the impersonated company, and on things certified by other companies?

Project Suggestions

Each of the following is a large project, which can be a semester-long project done by a group of students. The difficulty of the project can be adjusted easily by adding or deleting features.

Project 21.1 Consider the E-R schema of Exercise 2.7 (Chapter 2), which represents information about teams in a league. Design and implement a Web-based sys- tem to enter, update, and view the data.

Project 21.2 Design and implement a shopping cart system that lets shoppers collect items into a shopping cart (you can decide what information is to be supplied for each item) and purchased together. You can extend and use the E-R schema of Exercise 2.12 of Chapter 2. You should check for availability of the item and deal with nonavailable items as you feel appropriate.

Project 21.3 Design and implement a Web-based system to record student registration and grade information for courses at a university.

Project 21.4 Design and implement a system that permits recording of course performance information — specifically, the marks given to each student in each assignment or exam of a course, and computation of a (weighted) sum of marks to get the total course marks. The number of assignments/exams should not be predefined; that is, more assignments/exams can be added at any time. The system should also support grading, permitting cutoffs to be specified for various grades.

You may also wish to integrate it with the student registration system of Project 21.3 (perhaps being implemented by another project team).

Project 21.5 Design and implement a Web-based system for booking classrooms at your university. Periodic booking (fixed days/times each week for a whole semester) must be supported. Cancellation of specific lectures in a periodic booking should also be supported.

You may also wish to integrate it with the student registration system of Project 21.3 (perhaps being implemented by another project team) so that class- rooms can be booked for courses, and cancellations of a lecture or extra lectures can be noted at a single interface, and will be reflected in the classroom booking and communicated to students via e-mail.

Project 21.6 Design and implement a system for managing online multiple-choice tests. You should support distributed contribution of questions (by teaching assistants, for example), editing of questions by whoever is in charge of the course, and creation of tests from the available set of questions. You should also be able to administer tests online, either at a fixed time for all students, or at any time but with a time limit from start to finish (support one or both), and give students feedback on their scores at the end of the allotted time.

Project 21.7 Design and implement a system for managing e-mail customer service.

Incoming mail goes to a common pool. There is a set of customer service agents who reply to e-mail. If the e-mail is part of an ongoing series of replies (tracked using the in-reply-to field of e-mail) the mail should preferably be replied to by the same agent who replied earlier. The system should track all incoming mail and replies, so an agent can see the history of questions from a customer before replying to an email.

Project 21.8 Design and implement a simple electronic marketplace where items can be listed for sale or for purchase under various categories (which should form a hierarchy). You may also wish to support alerting services, whereby a user can register interest in items in a particular category, perhaps with other con- straints as well, without publicly advertising his/her interest, and is notified when such an item is listed for sale.

Project 21.9 Design and implement a Web-based newsgroup system. Users should be able to subscribe to newsgroups, and browse articles in newsgroups. The system tracks which articles were read by a user, so they are not displayed again. Also provide search against old articles.

You may also wish to provide a rating service for articles, so that articles with high rating are highlighted permitting the busy reader to skip low-rated articles.

Project 21.10 Design and implement a Web-based system for managing a sports “lad- der.” Many people register, and may be given some initial rankings (perhaps based on past performance). Anyone can challenge anyone else to a match, and the rankings are adjusted according to the result.

One simple system for adjusting rankings just moves the winner ahead of the loser in the rank order, in case the winner was behind earlier. You can try to invent more complicated rank adjustment systems.

Project 21.11 Design and implement a publications listing service. The service should permit entering of information about publications, such as title, authors, year, where the publication appeared, pages, and so forth. Authors should be a sep- arate entity with attributes such as name, institution, department, e-mail, ad- dress, and home page.

Your application should support multiple views on the same data. For in- stance, you should provide all publications by a given author (sorted by year, for example), or all publications by authors from a given institution or department. You should also support search by keywords, on the overall database as well as within each of the views.

Bibliographical Notes

Information about servlets, including tutorials, standard specifications, and software, is available on Information about JSP is available at

An early proposal for a database-system benchmark (the Wisconsin benchmark) was made by Bitton et al. [1983]. The TPC-A,-B, and -C benchmarks are described in Gray [1991]. An online version of all the TPC benchmarks descriptions, as well as benchmark results, is available on the World Wide Web at the URL; the site also contains up-to-date information about new benchmark proposals. Poess and Floyd [2000] gives an overview of the TPC-H, TPC-R, and TPC-W benchmarks. The OO1 benchmark for OODBs is described in Cattell and Skeen [1992]; the OO7 benchmark is described in Carey et al. [1993].

Kleinrock [1975] and Kleinrock [1976] is a popular two-volume textbook on queue- ing theory.

Shasha [1992] provides a good overview of database tuning. O’Neil and O’Neil [2000] provides a very good textbook coverage of performance measurement and tuning. The five minute and one minute rules are described in Gray and Putzolu [1987] and Gray and Graefe [1997]. Brown et al. [1994] describes an approach to automated tuning. Index selection and materialized view selection are addressed by Ross et al. [1996], Labio et al. [1997], Gupta [1997], Chaudhuri and Narasayya [1997], Agrawal et al. [2000] and Mistry et al. [2001].

The American National Standard SQL-86 is described in ANSI [1986]. The IBM Systems Application Architecture definition of SQL is specified by IBM [1987]. The standards for SQL-89 and SQL-92 are available as ANSI [1989] and ANSI [1992] respectively. For references on the SQL:1999 standard, see the bibliographical notes of Chapter 9.

The X/Open SQL call-level interface is defined in X/Open [1993]; the ODBC API is described in Microsoft [1997] and Sanders [1998]. The X/Open XA interface is defined in X/Open [1991]. More information about ODBC, OLE-DB, and ADO can be found on the Web site, and in a number of books on the subject that can be found through The ODMG 3.0 standard is defined in Cattell [2000]. ACM Sigmod Record, which is published quarterly, has a regular section on standards in databases, including benchmark standards.

A wealth of information on XML based standards is available online. You can use a Web search engine such as Google to search for more detailed and up-to-date information about the XML and other standards.

Loeb [1998] provides a detailed description of secure electronic transactions. Business process reengineering is covered by Cook [1996]. Kirchmer [1999] describes application implementation using standard software such as Enterprise Resource Plan- ning (ERP) packages. Umar [1997] covers reengineering and issues in dealing with legacy systems.


There are many Web development tools that support database connectivity through servlets, JSP, Javascript, or other mechanisms. We list a few of the better-known ones here: Java SDK from Sun (, Apache’s Tomcat ( and Web server (, IBM WebSphere (, Microsoft’s ASP tools (, Allaire’s Coldfusion and JRun products (, Caucho’s Resin (, and Zope ( A few of these, such as Apache, are free for any use, some are free for noncommercial use or for per- sonal use, while others need to be paid for. See the respective Web sites for more information.


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